[TYPES/announce] Fourth Summer School on Formal Techniques, May 19-23, 2014, Menlo College, Atherton

Natarajan Shankar shankar at csl.sri.com
Thu Apr 10 02:21:02 EDT 2014

Fourth Summer School on Formal Techniques
May 19 - May 23, 2014
Menlo College, Atherton, CA

Techniques based on formal logic, such as model checking,
satisfiability, static analysis, and automated theorem proving, are
finding a broad range of applications in modeling, analysis,
verification, and synthesis.  This school, the fourth in the series,
will focus on the principles and practice of formal techniques, with a
strong emphasis on the hands-on use and development of this
technology.  It primarily targets graduate students and young
researchers who are interested in developing and using formal
techniques in their research.  Participants at the school will have a
seriously fun time experimenting with the tools and techniques
presented in the lectures during laboratory sessions.

The lecturers at the school include:
* Nikolaj Bjorner (MSR Redmond): Software verification with SMT.
* Veronique Cortier (LORIA, France): Formal analysis of security protocols:
                                         Models, Techniques, and Tools
* Gerard Holzmann (JPL/Caltech): Verifying Safety Critical Code
* Gerwin Klein (NICTA Australia): Programming language semantics in Isabelle
* Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford): Probabilistic model checking 
with PRISM
* Natarajan Shankar (SRI CSL): Speaking Logic

We have NSF funding to support travel and accommodation for students
from US universities, but welcome applications from non-US students as
well.  Non-US students will be charged around $500 for meals and
lodging.  Applications should be submitted at

Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications before April
30, 2014, since there are only a limited number of spaces available.
Non-US applicants requiring US visas are urged to apply early.

Information about the first three Summer Schools on Formal Techniques 
can be found at

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