[TYPES/announce] HOR 2014: deadline extension until 30 april 2014

Kop, Cynthia Cynthia.Kop at uibk.ac.at
Wed Apr 16 17:21:00 EDT 2014


                        LAST LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

                               HOR 2014
         7th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting

            Affiliated with RTA/TLCA 2014, Vienna, Austria
              Part of FLoC in the Vienna Summer of Logic

                       Saturday, July 12, 2014


    Paper submission: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 (EXTENDED)
    Notification: Monday, May 10, 2014
    Final version: Thursday, May 29, 2014

HOR is a forum to present work concerning all aspects of higher-order
rewriting. The aim is to provide an informal and friendly setting to
discuss recent work and work in progress concerning higher-order
rewriting in all its forms. The following is a non-exhaustive list of
topics for the workshop:

Applications: proof checking, type checking, theorem proving,
    functional programming, declarative programming, program
    transformation, macro and template languages, other applications
    using some notion of higher-order rewriting.

Foundations: pattern matching, unification, strategies,
    termination, syntactic properties, type theory.

Frameworks: graph rewriting, net rewriting, comparisons of
    different formats.

Implementation: explicit substitution, rewriting tools,
    compilation techniques.

Semantics: semantics of higher-order rewrite systems,
    higher-order abstract syntax, categorical rewriting.

For questions contact hor2014 at easychair.org.

Submissions are solicited in two categories:

Category A: Extended abstracts of describing new results, work in
    progress, or problems, in higher-order rewriting.

Category B: Short versions of articles recently published or submitted
    elsewhere on higher-order rewriting, or the higher-order rewriting
    relevant parts of such. Papers in this category are not considered
    for the post-workshop proceedings.

Submissions in both categories should be between 2 and 5 pages, and
should be marked with the category (either A or B). Submissions should
be in PDF formatted by the EPTCS LaTeX style, and submitted
electronically via the EasyChair submission website. Papers will be
judged on relevance, originality, correctness, and usefulness.  (See
Links section below for URLs to the above sites.)

The proceedings of HOR 2014 will be included on the FLoC electronic
"USB proceedings." Post-workshop proceedings of full versions of
selected category A contributions is planned to be published as a
volume of EPTCS.

Beniamino Accattoli (Bologna University)
Cynthia Kop (University of Innsbruck)
Jian-Qi Li (Tsinghua University)
Kristoffer H. Rose (Two Sigma Investments, chair)
Jakob Grue Simonsen (University of Copenhagen)

Home page: http://vsl2014.at/hor
Submission site: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hor2014
EPTCS LaTeX style: http://style.eptcs.org/
HOR Series of Workshops: http://hor.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Affiliated with RTA/TLCA 2014: http://vsl2014/rta-tlca
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