[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral position in Automated Program Synthesis at Rice University

Swarat Chaudhuri swarat at rice.edu
Mon Apr 28 11:54:37 EDT 2014

Postdoctoral position in Automated Program Synthesis at Rice University

The Computer-Aided Programming group at Rice University
(http://caper.rice.edu) is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher
in the area of automated program synthesis. The ideal
applicant would have a solid background in the theoretical foundations
of program verification, and have experience with tool
development. Prior experience with synthesis is not necessary.

The researcher will be supervised by Prof. Swarat Chaudhuri
(http://www.cs.rice.edu/~swarat).  The duration of the position is one
year, starting January 2014, and can be renewed for a second
year. The initial compensation for the position is $65,000 per year.
Rice University is located in Houston, Texas, the fourth
largest city in the United States.

To apply, send a resume, a brief statement of interest, two
representative publications, and names of 2-3 references to Swarat
Chaudhuri (swarat at rice.edu).

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