[TYPES/announce] QPL 2014: Call for Participation

Ichiro Hasuo ichiro at is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Sun May 4 00:27:19 EDT 2014

(Apologies for multiple copies)


                  The 11th workshop on
             Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL)

                 June 4-6, Kyoto, Japan


The 11th workshop on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL) will take place
at Kyoto University, Japan, from 4th to 6th, JUNE 2014.

This workshop will bring together researchers working on mathematical
foundations of quantum physics, quantum computing and spatio-temporal
causal structures, and in particular those that use logical tools,
ordered algebraic and category-theoretic structures, formal languages,
semantical methods and other computer science methods for the study of
physical behaviour in general.

There will be full programme of contributed talks, and invited
lectures from:

  Giulio Chiribella (Tsinghua)
  Masahito "Hassei" Hasegawa (Kyoto)
  Masanao Ozawa (Nagoya)

The schedule and list of accepted contributions can be found on the
webpage, as well as local information and registration details. The
registration will be closed on

  ** Sunday 25 May **

with application for travel support closing earlier on Wednesday 7 May,

Best wishes and hope to see you in Kyoto,

QPL 2014 Local Organizers
Ichiro Hasuo (chair)
Naohiko Hoshino
Yoshihiko Kakutani
Susumu Nishimura

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