[TYPES/announce] CMU Post Doctoral Position in Cyber Security Research

David Brumley dbrumley at cmu.edu
Sun May 11 15:52:08 EDT 2014

Carnegie Mellon CyLab has a position for an 18-month Post Doctoral research
in the area of computer security, with possible extensions available. The
position is funded in part by a  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) project aiming to find possible malice, including vulnerabilities,
backdoors, and other flaws, in binary off-the-shelf programs.

Background in programming language research or programming language
techniques applied to security research is required, while familiarity with
binary analysis would be highly valuable.

The candidate will perform original research as part of a research team and
will tailor research efforts to the needs of the supporting groups from
industry and/or government.  The position will also oversee the
architecture of our binary analysis platform, which is written in OCaml.
The Post Doc position will be based at Carnegie Mellon University and some
travel to PI meetings will be required.

Take care,
David Brumley
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