[TYPES/announce] POPL 2015: Call for papers

Viktor Vafeiadis viktor at mpi-sws.org
Mon May 19 06:30:35 EDT 2014

42nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
(POPL 2015)


January 15-17, 2015
Mumbai, India

Call for Papers


The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a forum
for the discussion of all aspects of programming languages and
programming systems. Both theoretical and experimental papers are
welcome, on topics ranging from formal frameworks to experience
reports. Papers discussing new ideas and new areas are encouraged, as
are papers (often called "pearls") that elucidate existing concepts in
ways that yield new insights.  We are looking for any submission with the
potential to make enduring contributions to the theory, design,
implementation or application of programming languages.


The program committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each
submission as well as its accessibility to both experts and the
general POPL audience. All papers will be judged on significance,
originality, relevance, correctness, and clarity.

Explaining a known idea in a new way may make as strong a contribution
as inventing a new idea. Hence, we encourage the submission of pearls:
elegant essays that explain an old idea, but do so in a new way that
clarifies the idea and yields new insights. There is no formal
separation of categories; pearls will be held to the same standards
as any other paper.  Advice on writing pearls can be found in the
ICFP 2006 Call for Papers.

Each paper, pearl or otherwise, should explain its contributions in
both general and technical terms, identifying what has been
accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and comparing it with
previous work. Authors should strive to make their papers
understandable to a broad audience. Advice on writing technical papers
can be found on the SIGPLAN Author Information page:


A document that details principles underlying organizational and
reviewing policies can be found here:


Important dates

Paper registration      3PM US EDT (UTC-4) July 3, 2014
Paper submission        3PM US EDT (UTC-4) July 8, 2014
Author response         Sep 6-9, 2014
Author notification     Sep 30, 2014

Camera-ready deadline   Oct 28, 2014

POPL 2015               Jan 15-17, 2015
Co-located events       Jan 11-14, 18, 2015

Submission guidelines

Prior to the registration deadline, the authors will register their
paper by uploading information on the submission title, abstract (of
at most 300 words), authors, topics, and conflicts to the conference
web site.  Papers that are not registered on time will be rejected.

Prior to the final paper submission deadline, the authors will upload
their full paper of no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and
appendices) formatted according to the ACM proceedings format. Papers
may be resubmitted multiple times up until the deadline.  The last
version submitted will be the version that is reviewed.  Papers
that exceed the length requirement or are submitted late will be
rejected.  All deadlines are firm.

We encourage authors to provide any supplementary material that is
required to support the claims made in the paper, such as detailed
proofs, proof scripts, or experimental data. These materials should be
uploaded at submission time, as a single pdf or a tarball, not via a
URL. It will be made available to reviewers only after they have
submitted their first-draft reviews and hence need not be
anonymized. Reviewers are under no obligation to look at the
supplementary material but may refer to it if they have questions
about the material in the body of the paper.

Templates for ACM format are available for Word Perfect, Microsoft
Word, and LaTeX at http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author (use the 9
pt preprint template). Submissions should be in PDF and printable on
US Letter and A4 sized paper.

Submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN Republication Policy and
the ACM Policy on Plagiarism. Concurrent submissions to other
conferences, workshops, journals, or similar forums of publication are
not allowed.

Republication Policy:  http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication
Plagiarism Policy:  http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism_policy

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date 
the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. 
This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the
conference. The official publication date affects the deadline 
for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare
conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital
Library after the conference is over, the official publication 
date remains the first day of the conference.)

POPL 2015 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. To
facilitate this, submitted papers must adhere to two rules:

(1) author names and institutions must be omitted, and
(2) references to authors' own related work should be in the third person
(e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather "We build on
the work of ...").

The purpose of this process is to help the PC and external reviewers come to
an initial judgement about the paper without bias, not to make it
impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to
try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the
submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult
(e.g., important background references should not be omitted or
anonymized). In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate
their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally
would. For instance, authors may post drafts of their papers on the
web or give talks on their research ideas.  The program chair has put
together a document answering frequently asked questions that
should address many common concerns.

ARTIFACT EVALUATION: Authors of accepted papers will be invited to
formally submit supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation
process. Artifact Evaluation, which is new this year, is run by a
separate committee whose task is to assess how the artifacts support
the work described in the papers. This submission is voluntary and
will not influence the final decision regarding the papers. Papers
that go through the Artifact Evaluation process successfully will
receive a seal of approval printed on the papers
themselves. Additional information is to be found on the POPL AEC web
page. Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to make these
materials publicly available upon publication of the proceedings, by
including them as "source materials" in the ACM Digital Library.

POPL AEC web page:  http://popl15-aec.cs.umass.edu/


General Chair:              Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research)

Local Chair:                Paritosh Pandya (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research)

Program Chair:              David Walker (Princeton University)

Workshops Chair:            David Van Horn (Northeastern University)
Treasurer:                  Ross Tate (Cornell University)

Publicity Chairs:           Ruzica Piskac (Yale University)
                            Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI-SWS)

Artifact Evaluation:        Arjun Guha (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
                            Jan Vitek (Purdue University)

Program Committee:

Umut Acar, Carnegie Mellon University
Amal Ahmed, Northeastern University
Jade Alglave, University College London
Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Inria
Rastislav Bodik, UC Berkeley
Giuseppe Castagna, CNRS - Université Paris Diderot
Satish Chandra, Samsung Electronics
Ravi Chugh, UC San Diego
Patrick Cousot, CIMS, New York University
Robby Findler, Northwestern University
Jeff Foster, University of Maryland
Cédric Fournet, Microsoft Research
Deepak Garg, MPI-SWS
Arjun Guha, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Ralf Hinze, University of Oxford
Martin Hofmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat
Joxan Jaffar, Singapore
Patricia Johann, Appalachian State University
Naoki Kobayashi, University of Tokyo
Gabriele Keller, University of New South Wales
Dan Licata, Wesleyan University
Mayur Naik, Georgia Institute of Technology
David Pichardie, ENS Rennes / IRISA
Brigitte Pientka, McGill University
Madhusudan Parthasarathy, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Francois Pottier, Inria
Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research
Ganesan Ramalingam, Microsoft Research
Greta Yorsh, Queen Mary University of London

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