[TYPES/announce] ISR 2014: call for participation

Temur Kutsia kutsia at risc.jku.at
Tue May 20 03:14:05 EDT 2014

(apologies for multiple copies)

ISR 2014
7th International School on Rewriting


August 25-29, 2014
Universidad Técnica Federíco Santa María
Valparaíso, Chile

Co-located with the 21st Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and 
Computation (WoLLIC 2014)

Rewriting is a branch of computer science whose origins go back to the 
origins of computer science itself (with Thue, Church, Post, and many 
other prominent researchers). It has strong links with mathematics, 
algebra, and logic, and it is the basis of well-known programming 
paradigms like functional and equational programming, which are taught 
at the universitary level in many countries. In these programming 
paradigms and corresponding languages, the notions of reduction, pattern 
matching, confluence, termination, strategy, etc., are essential. 
Rewriting provides a solid framework for understanding, using, and 
teaching all these notions. Rewriting techniques are also used in many 
other areas of software engineering (scripting, prototyping, automated 
transformation of legacy systems, refactoring, web services, etc.) and 
are implemented in popular systems like Mathematica, Autocad, and 
others. Rewriting techniques play a relevant role in computing research, 
education, and industry.

The International School on Rewriting is promoted by the IFIP Working 
Group 1.6 Term Rewriting. The school is aimed at master and PhD 
students, researchers, and practitioners interested in the study of 
rewriting concepts and their applications.

Two tracks are offered, including the lectures and the courses:

- Track A: for newcomers in the field, or just for people who want to 
obtain a new, updated exposure.

- Track B: for those who want to get deeper in the most recent 
developments and applications of rewriting.


Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Eduardo Bonelli, Universidad de Quilmes, Argentina
Claude Kirchner, INRIA, France
Helene Kirchner, INRIA, France
Aart Middeldorp. University of Innsbruck, Austria
Pierre-Etienne Moreau, École des Mines de Nancy, France
Camilo Rocha, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería, Colombia
Johannes Waldmann, HTWK Leipzig, Germany
Sarah Winkler, University of Innsbruck, Austria

The detailed programme can be found at:


300 USD (early registration, until July 15, 2014)
400 USD (late registration, from July 16, 2014)

For more information, please visit our web site or contact
isr2014 at inf.utfsm.cl


Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, UNB, Brazil
Carlos Castro (chair), UTFSM, Chile
Nicolás Gálvez, UTFSM, Chile
Claude Kirchner, INRIA, France
Álvaro Luzzi, UTFSM, Chile
Christophe Ringeissen, INRIA, France
María Elena Rodríguez, UTFSM, Chile

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