Du Li duli at cs.cmu.edu
Sat Jun 21 01:00:12 EDT 2014


ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH'14)
Portland, OR
October 20-24, 2014

SPLASH'14 workshops address a rich variety of well-known and newly emerging research areas and provide a creative and collaborative environment to discuss and solve challenge problems with attendees from industry and research organizations from all over the world. Submission deadlines vary from workshop to workshop.  Some workshops will be published in the ACM Digital Library. The current SPLASH'14 workshops program is listed below and the abstracts at the end.


AGERE! - 4th Int. SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming based on  Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control
Submission: August 3, 2014 (full paper), September 15, 2014 (position/work-in-progress papers and demo)

Second Workshop on Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation (DSLDI)
Submission: August 27, 2014

DSM - Domain-Specific Modeling workshop, DSM'14
Submission: August 15, 2014

ETX - Eclipse Technology eXchange 2014
Submission: Abstract: July 25th, 2014 paper: Aug 1st, 2014

MobileDeLi - Mobile Development Lifecycle
Submission: July 15, 2014 

PLATEAU - Fifth Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools
Submissions: Aug 1, 2014

PROMOTO - Second Workshop on Programming for Mobile and Touch
Submission deadline: August 18, 2014

PSP - The First International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Programming
Submissions: August 6, 2014

REBLS - Workshop on the Interface between Language Engineering and Synthetic Biology
Submission:  August 25, 2014

TD - Workshop on Technical Debt
Technical Debt in a World of Big Data and Big Teams
Submission: August 26, 2014.


For additional information, clarification, early feedback, or answers to questions, please contact the Workshop Organizers of your favorite workshops, or the Workshops Chairs, Stephanie Balzer and Du Li, at workshops at splashcon.org



4th Int. SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming based on  Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Full-paper (for ACM DL):  3 Aug, 2014(deadline), 31 Aug, 2014(notification)
Position/work-in-progress papers and demo: 7 Sept, 2014(deadline), 17 Sept, 2014(deadline)

- Organizers:
Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Philipp Haller, Typesafe, Switzerland
Alessandro Ricci, University of Bologna, Italy
Carlos Varela,  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US

- Abstract

The AGERE! workshop is aimed at focusing on programming systems, languages and applications based on actors, active/concurrent objects, agents and – more generally – high-level programming paradigms promoting a mindset of decentralized control in solving problems and developing software. The workshop is designed to cover both the theory and the practice of design and programming, bringing together researchers working on models, languages and technologies, and practitioners developing real-world systems and applications.

Second Workshop on Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation (DSLDI)

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Submission of talk proposals: August 27, 2014
Notification: September 12, 2014

Sebastian Erdweg, TU Darmstadt
Adam Welc, Oracle Labs

- Abstract
If designed and implemented well, domain-specific languages (DSLs) combine the
best features of general-purpose programming languages (e.g., performance) with
high productivity (e.g., ease of programming). The goal of the DSLDI workshop
is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in sharing ideas
on how DSLs should be designed, implemented, supported by tools, and applied in
realistic application contexts. We are both interested in discovering how
already known domains such as graph processing or machine learning can be best
supported by DSLs, but also in exploring new domains that could be targeted by
DSLs. More generally, we are interested in building a community that can drive
forward the development of modern DSLs.

We solicit talk proposals in the form of short abstracts (max. 2 pages). A good
talk proposal describes an interesting position, demonstration, or early
achievement. The submissions will be reviewed on relevance and clarity, and used
to plan the mostly interactive sessions of the workshop day. Publication of
accepted abstracts and slides on the website is voluntary.


DSM 2014 - Domain-Specific Modeling workshop, DSM'14

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Initial submission: August 15, 2014
Author Notification: September 12, 2014

- Names and affiliations of organizers
Jonathan Sprinkle, University of Arizona
Matti Rossi, Aalto University School of Business
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, MetaCase

- Abstract
An upward shift in abstraction leads to a corresponding increase in
productivity. In the past this has occurred when programming languages have
evolved towards a higher level of abstraction. Today, domain-specific
modeling languages provide a viable solution for continuing to raise the
level of abstraction beyond coding, making development faster and easier. In
domain-specific modeling (DSM) the models are constructed using concepts that
represent things in the application domain, not concepts of a given
programming language. The modeling language follows the domain abstractions
and semantics, allowing developers to perceive them-selves as working
directly with domain concepts. Together with frameworks and platforms, DSM
can automate a large portion of software production. Some possible topics for
submission to the workshop include:
- Industry/academic experience reports
- Creation of metamodel-based languages
- Novel approaches for code generation from domain-specific models
- Evolution of languages 
- Metamodeling frameworks and languages
- Tools for supporting DSMs


Eclipse Technology eXchange (ETX) 2014

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Paper Registration Deadline: July 25th, 2014
Paper Submission Deadline: Aug 1st, 2014
Author Notification: Sept 5th, 2014

- Organizers
Jan S. Rellermeyer   IBM Research, USA
Tim Verbelen   Ghent University, Belgium

- Abstract
The Eclipse platform was originally designed for building an integrated development environment for object-oriented applications. Over the years it has developed into a vibrant ecosystem of platforms, toolkits, libraries, modeling frameworks, and tools that 
support various languages and programming styles.
The goal of the ETX workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas about potential new uses of Eclipse and how Eclipse technology can be leveraged, improved, and/or extended for research and education.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the use of Eclipse for:
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Supporting the software development process
- Debugging and testing
- Supporting design, requirements, and specifications
- Modeling environments and frameworks
- Aspect-oriented programming
- Program analysis and transformation
- Computer-based learning
- Software engineering education
- Teaching foundations of object-oriented programming
- Courseware
- Rich client application
- OSGi
- Applications on the Internet of Things
- Programming for and in the Cloud
- Supporting the development of Android applications

Submitted papers should have a maximum of six pages and use the ACM SIGPLAN Proceedings Format, 10 point font. Proceedings will be included in the ACM Digital Library. To have their work included in the ACM Digital Library, authors will need to sign the ACM Copyright Form.  


Mobile Development Lifecycle (MobileDeLi 14) 

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Submission: July 15, 2014 
Notification: August 18th, 2014 

- Organizers:
Aharon Abadi, IBM Research - Haifa 
Danny Dig School of EECS at Oregon State University 
Eli Tilevich Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, USA 

- Abstract:
Mobile application usage and development is experiencing exponential growth. According to Gartner, by 2016 more than 300 billion applications will be downloaded annually. The mobile domain presents new challenges to software engineering. Mobile platforms are rapidly changing, including diverse capabilities as GPS, sensors, and input modes. Applications must be omni-channel and work on all platforms. Activated on mobile platforms, modern applications must be elastic and scale on demand according to the hardware abilities. Applications often need to support and use third-party services. Therefore, during development, security and authorization processes for the dataflow must be applied. Bring your own device (BYOD) 
policies bring new security data leaks challenges. Developing such applications requires suitable practices and tools e.g., architecture techniques that relate to the complexity at hand; improved refactoring tools for hybrid applications using dynamic languages and polyglot development and applications; and testing techniques for applications that run on different devices. This workshop aims at establishing a community of researchers and practitioners to share their work and lead further research in the mobile development area. 


Fifth Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages
and Tools (PLATEAU)

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Submissions: Aug 1, 2014
Notification: Aug 22, 2014

- Organizers
Thomas LaToza (University of California, Irvine)
Josh Sunshine (Carnegie Mellon University)
Craig Anslow (University of Calgary)

Programming languages exist to enable programmers to develop software
effectively. But how efficiently programmers can write software
depends on the usability of the languages and tools that they develop
with. The aim of this workshop is to discuss methods, metrics and
techniques for evaluating the usability of languages and language
tools. PLATEAU encourages submissions of three types of papers.
Research papers (up to 8 pages) and position papers (up to 2 pages)
report on work or ideas related to the workshop themes. New this year
are hypotheses papers (up to 4 pages). Hypotheses papers explicitly
identify beliefs of the research community or software industry about
how a programming language, programming language feature, or
programming language tool affects programming practice.


Second Workshop on Programming for Mobile and Touch (PROMOTO 2014)
- Deadlines: submission and notification
Submission deadline: August 18, 2014
Notification deadline: September 12, 2014
- Organizers
Judith Bishop, Microsoft Research
Nikolai Tillmann, Microsoft Research
Arno Puder, San Francisco State University
- Abstract
Today, easy-to-use mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are becoming more prevalent than traditional PCs and laptops. New programming languages are emerging to enable programmers to develop software easily -- leveraging the exciting advances in existing hardware, and providing abstractions that fit the capabilities of target platforms with multiple sensors, touch and cloud capabilities. PROMOTO brings together researchers who have been exploring new programming paradigms, embracing the new realities of always connected, touch-enabled mobile devices. PROMOTO 2014 would like to invite contributions covering technical aspects of cross-platform computing, cloud computing, social applications and security. The challenges of new types of devices, and the introduction of mobile in the classroom are very important. Submissions for this event are invited in the general area of mobile and touch-oriented programming languages and programming environments, and teaching of programming for mobile devices.


The First International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Programming (PSP)

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Submissions: August 6, 2014
Notification: September 6, 2014

- Organizers
Tyrone Grandison, Proficiency Labs
Michael Maximilien, IBM Cloud Labs
Raquel L Hill, Indiana University

- Abstract:
The development of secure software requires the specification and communication of functional and nonfunctional security and privacy requirements, the utilization of secure and privacy-preserving programming language constructs and the application of secure and privacy-preserving coding best practices. Currently, firms focused on developing code that is both secure and privacy-preserving will employ at most two of these techniques. Unfortunately, this leads to software with the appearance of being safe (i.e. secure and privacy-preserving code), but that offers very little real protection. You can have a secure design, but if there are no supporting language constructs then the systems won’t be safe. If the programmer does not know the secure coding principles and is unaware of privacy engineering methodology, then the resulting software will not be safe. Additionally, privacy engineering is a relatively new area and researchers are trying to determine how to characterize privacy requirements.

The specification of these requirements is an inter-disciplinary undertaking; involving experts in law, business, and computer science.

By getting experts in security, privacy, requirements engineering, programming languages, formal methods, privacy engineering and secure coding into the same space, it is hoped that the community can bridge the gap between the design and the implementation of safe code.

This workshop seeks to enable the development of safe software systems by getting the people of these currently isolated fields to start talking, working together and addressing this very difficult issue.


Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS)

- Deadlines: submission and notification
Submission deadline:  August 25, 2014
Notification: September 8, 2014

- Organizers:
Wolfgang De Meuter, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Guido Salvaneschi, Technical University of Darmstadt
Patrick Eugster, Purdue University
Lukasz Ziarek, University at Buffalo

- Abstract:
Reactive programming and event-based programming are two closely
related programming styles that are becoming ever more important with
the advent of advanced HPC technology and the ever increasing
requirement for our applications to run on the web or on collaborating
mobile devices. A number of publications on middleware and language
design — so-called reactive and event-based languages and systems
(REBLS) — have already seen the light, but the field still raises
several questions. For example, the interaction with mainstream
language concepts is poorly understood, implementation technology is
in its infancy and modularity mechanisms are almost totally lacking.
Moreover, large applications are still to be developed and patterns
and tools for developing reactive applications is an area that is
vastly unexplored.
This workshop will gather researchers in reactive and event-based
languages and systems. The goal of the workshop is to exchange new
technical research results and to define better the field by coming up
with taxonomies and overviews of the existing work. We welcome all
submissions on reactive programming, aspect- and event-oriented
systems, including but not limited to: language design,
implementation, runtime systems, program analysis, software metrics,
patterns and benchmarks.


TD - Workshop on Technical Debt
Technical Debt in a World of Big Data and Big Teams

Submission deadline is August 26, 2014.

Dennis Mancl, Alcatel-Lucent
Bill Opdyke, JPMorgan Chase
Steve Fraser, independent

Technical debt is an unavoidable part of software development in today's fast-paced market, but it is ignored by many of the people who should care about it most.

In large systems, a portion of the accumulating technical debt is just "sloppy design" caused by schedule pressure and other project forces.  But the most important part of technical debt is directly related to project size and data complexity.  How much technical debt is about large development teams and geographical distribution?  How do current "big data" techniques (Hadoop, NoSQL, parallel algorithms, MapReduce) relate to technical debt issues?

This workshop explores strategies for understanding the impact of technical debt. If we believe that technical debt is an important issue in long-term software product development, do we have ways to keep the technical debt from causing development gridlock?  The workshop discusses some approaches to taking on technical debt from systems large and small.

See the results of the SPLASH 2013 technical debt workshop for more background:  http://www.manclswx.com/workshops/splash13.

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