[TYPES/announce] UPMARC Summer School Announcement

Tobias Wrigstad tobias.wrigstad at IT.UU.SE
Tue Jun 24 09:10:57 EDT 2014



The 2014 UPMARC Summer School on Multicore Computing focuses on research trends for scalable and correct multicore programs and systems and will take place at Uppsala University, Sweden in July 28th and 29th, 2014. This year, the school is colocated with ECOOP, the European Conference on Object Oriented Programming, and its associated events.

The school is subsidized by the UPMARC research programme of Uppsala University (see http://upmarc.se).


The school consists of a number of lectures and talks from international leaders in their field:

* Cormac Flanagan, University of California, Santa Cruz
 Stephen Freund, Williams College
 Analysis techniques to detect concurrency errors

* Viktor Vafeiadis, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
 Program logics for relaxed memory consistency

* Simon McIntosh-Smith, University of Bristol
 An introduction to many-core parallel computing with OpenCL

* Viktor Klang, TypeSafe
 Dr. Streamlove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the flow

In addition, the school will include a session where participants can present posters and demos of their own research in the area of multicore/parallel computing.

School Objective

The objective of this year's summer school is to offer foundational tutorials accompanied by a selection of exiting new emerging technologies in the areas of analysis for finding errors in concurrent programs, on program logics for reasoning about program correctness in the presence of relaxed memory consistency, on programming multicore systems using OpenCL and Scala/Akka, all given by leading experts of the community. We aim to attract graduate students and young scientists and, through tutorials and lectures, prepare them for research on identifying and addressing fundamental challenges that will enable all programmers to leverage the potential performance from the ongoing shift to multicore programming. We also aim to provide a fun and stimulating environment for students to meet and establish connections with other students, world-class researchers from academia and industry, local faculty, and other senior scientists.

For more information about the school, including how to register see:


We strongly encourage people interested in participating to register as soon as possible. In particular, note that the early registration deadline for ECOOP'14 and its associated events is Saturday, 28th of June 2014.

Kostis Sagonas and Roland Grönroos

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