[TYPES/announce] LOLA 2014 - Call for Participation (online registration closes on June 30)
Andrzej Murawski
A.Murawski at warwick.ac.uk
Fri Jun 27 04:54:12 EDT 2014
LOLA 2014
Syntax and Semantics of Low Level Languages
Sunday 13th July 2014, Vienna, Austria
A satellite workshop of CSL/LICS 2014
at the Vienna Summer of Logic
Monday 30th June 2014
- Nick Benton (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
De haut en bas: relating high-level and low-level abstractions
- Rafal Kolanski (Purdue University)
On Machines, Virtual Memory and Successful System Verification
- Hubert Godfroy and Jean-Yves Marion
Abstract Self Modifying Machines
- Sergey Goncharov, Lutz Schroeder and Christoph Rauch
Programming and Verifying with Effect Handling and Iteration
- William Mansky and Elsa Gunter
A Cross-Language Framework for Verifying Compiler Optimizations
- Paul-Andre Mellies
Tensorial logic with algebraic effects
- Koko Muroya, Toshiki Kataoka, Ichiro Hasuo and Naohiko Hoshino
Compiling Effectful Terms to Transducers: Prototype Implementation
of Memoryful Geometry of Interaction
- Ulrich Schoepp
Call-by-Value in a Basic Logic for Interaction
It has been understood since the late 1960s that tools and structures
arising in mathematical logic and proof theory can usefully be applied
to the design of high level programming languages, and to the
development of reasoning principles for such languages. Yet low level
languages, such as machine code, and the compilation of high level
languages into a low level ones have traditionally been seen as having
little or no essential connection to logic.
However, a fundamental discovery of this past decade has been that low
level languages are also governed by logical principles. From this key
observation has emerged an active and fascinating new research area at
the frontier of logic and computer science. The practically-motivated
design of logics reflecting the structure of low level languages (such
as heaps, registers and code pointers) and low level properties of
programs (such as resource usage) goes hand in hand with some of
the most advanced contemporary research in semantics and proof
theory, including classical realizability and forcing, double
orthogonality, parametricity, linear logic, game semantics,
uniformity, categorical semantics, explicit substitutions, abstract
machines, implicit complexity and sublinear programming.
The LOLA workshop, affiliated with CSL-LICS, will bring together
researchers interested in many aspects of the relationship between
logic and low level languages and programs. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
Typed assembly languages,
Certified assembly programming,
Certified and certifying compilation,
Proof-carrying code,
Program optimization,
Modal logic and realizability in machine code,
Realizability and double orthogonality in assembly code,
Parametricity, modules and existential types,
General references, Kripke models and recursive types,
Continuations and concurrency,
Implicit complexity, sublinear programming and Turing machines,
Closures and explicit substitutions,
Linear logic and separation logic,
Game semantics, abstract machines and hardware synthesis,
Monoidal and premonoidal categories, traces and effects.
Amal Ahmed (Northeastern Universtiy)
Jade Alglave (University College London)
Lennart Beringer (Princeton University)
Ugo Dal Lago (Università di Bologna)
Martin Hofmann (LMU Munich, co-chair)
Neelakantan Krishnaswami (The University of Birmingham)
Andrzej Murawski (University of Warwick, co-chair)
Francois Pottier (INRIA)
David van Horn (University of Maryland)
Steve Zdancewic (University of Pennsylvania)
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