[TYPES/announce] CSL-LICS 2014 (online registration closes on June 30)

Andrzej Murawski A.Murawski at warwick.ac.uk
Sun Jun 29 06:53:51 EDT 2014

                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                         JOINT MEETING OF

           the Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference on
                   COMPUTER SCIENCE LOGIC (CSL)
          the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on

                July 14-18, 2014, Vienna, Austria


Online Registration Deadline: Monday 30th June 2014

CSL is the annual meeting of the European Association for Computer Science
Logic (EACSL) intended for computer scientists whose research activities
involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for
computer science.

LICS is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in
computer science that relate to logic.

The organizers of these two series of meetings have chosen to join the 2014
editions of these meetings into a single event within the Federated Logic
Conference (FLoC) that will be part of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014. Thus,
in 2014, these meetings have one program committee, one program, and one


Christel Baier (TU Dresden)
Patrick Cousot (ENS Paris and NYU)


Assia Mahboubi (INRIA Saclay)
Jasmin Fisher (MSR Cambridge)




Workshop Block 1 (July 12-13)

CL&C      5th International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation
DCM       10th Int'l Workshop on Developments in Computational Models
DTP       Dependently-Typed Programming
GSB       Workshop on Gentzen Systems and Beyond 3
LCC       Workshop on Logic and Comptuational Complexity
LINEARITY 3rd International Workshop on Linearity
LOLA      5th Workshop on Syntax and Semantics of Low-Level Languages
LSB       5th International Workshop on Logic and Systems Biology
PC        FLoC Workshop on Proof Complexity
SD        3rd Workshop on Structures and Deduction

Workshop Block 2 (July 17-18)

AISS          Algorithmics of Infinite State Systems 2014
APPA          All about Proofs, Proofs for All
CICLOPS-WLPE  Int'l Joint Workshop on Implementation of Constraint and
Logic Programming Systems and Logic-based Methods in Programming
Environments 2014
FCS-FCC       Joint Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security and
Formal and Computational Cryptography
HOPA          Higher Order Program Analysis
LFMTP         9th International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and
Meta-languages: Theory and Practice
NLCS          2nd Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science
PCCR          2nd Workshop on the Parameterized Complexity of
Computational Reasoning
PSC           Proof, Structure and Computation


The Kleene Award for Best Student Paper will be given for the best
student paper(s), as judged by the program committee.
The EACSL Outstanding Dissertation Award, named for Wilhelm F.
Ackermann, will be presented during the joint meeting.
The LICS Test-of-Time Award 2014 will be presented during the joint meeting.

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