[TYPES/announce] CFP: Model-based design and analysis of cyber-physical systems - SPES_XT Summer School at AVoCS'14

Markus Roggenbach m.roggenbach at swansea.ac.uk
Sun Jul 20 11:01:44 EDT 2014

          +++ still some places left +++


  Model-based design and analysis of cyber-physical systems 
         SPES_XT Summer School at AVoCS'14 
               Twente, The Netherlands 
                  Sept. 17-23, 2014 

          +++ still some places left +++

Today's challenges in the development of embedded and cyber-physical 
systems are mainly caused by the ever-increasing complexity of the 
software. Model-based design and analysis has a high potential to 
overcome these challenges. SPES_XT (Software Platform Embedded 
Systems) is a large German endeavour to build a consistent, coherent 
model-based design methodology for complex embedded and cyber-physical 
systems. The aim of AVoCS (International Workshop on Automated 
Verification of Critical Systems) is to further research on tools and 
techniques for the verification of critical systems. The SPES_XT 
Summer School at AVoCS'14 will present results and experiences from 
the SPES_XT project, as well as research approaches established at 
AVoCS. It will provide a concise introduction to the state-of-the-art, 
as well as new approaches and research questions. Attendants will gain 
an intimate understanding of a consistent system development process 
for complex embedded and cyber-physical systems over different 
application domains (e.g. automation, automotive, avionic, rail). 

The school addresses young researchers as well as young professionals 
from industry. It will be held immediately prior to AVoCS 2014. 


Holger Schlingloff: Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering 
Manfred Broy: Logics of Discrete System Design - From Formal Models to System Assertions 
Alexander Knapp: Modern modeling formalisms: UML, SysML, MARTE 
Alessio Lomuscio: Model Checking of Multi-Agent Systems 
Marieke Huisman: Verification of Concurrent Software 
Markus Roggenbach: Foundational Concepts and Techniques for Modeling and Verification 
Stephan Merz: Modeling and Verifying Systems in TLA+ 
Joachim Wegener: Methods and Tools for Analytical Quality Assurance 
Joost Pieter Katoen: Quantitative Analysis of Safety-Critical Systems 


Participants at the SPES_XT Summer School 2014 have to register at 
the AVoCS'14 registration page: 



  regular participants: 900 Euros 
  students: 680 Euros 

  The fees cover lectures, materials, refreshments, lunch, and the 
  social event on Sunday September 21st. 

  For a limited number of students, grants will be available 
  covering the participation fees (but not the hotel costs). If you 
  wish to apply for such a grant, please send a letter of 
  application stating your background and motivation, as well as a 
  letter of recommendation from your adviser, to the organizers of 
  the summer school. 


 H. Schlingloff (Berlin) and M. Roggenbach (Swansea) 


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