[TYPES/announce] Final call for papers: JLAMP special issue on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software

Vasco T. Vasconcelos vv at di.fc.ul.pt
Thu Jul 24 11:05:16 EDT 2014

[Apologies for multiple copies]

Please note that the deadline has been extended to August 31.

> Call for Papers
> Special Issue on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software
> http://places14.di.fc.ul.pt/jlamp-call-for-papers
>    Submission of papers: August 31, 2014
>    First review decision: November 31, 2014
>    Revision due: January 1, 2014
>    Acceptance notification: February 31, 2015
>    Final manuscript due:  March 28, 2015
>    Expected publication: Late Spring 2015
> This special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
> http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-logical-and-algebraic-methods-in-programming) 
> is devoted to the topics of the 7th International Workshop on
> Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and
> Communication-cEntric Software (PLACES 2014,
> http://places14.di.fc.ul.pt), which took place on April 2014 in
> Grenoble, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and
> Practice of Software (ETAPS). This is however an open call for papers,
> therefore both participants of the workshop and other authors are
> encouraged to submit their contributions.
> Submissions are invited in the general area of programming language
> approaches to concurrency, communication and distribution, ranging
> from foundational issues, through language implementations, to
> applications and case studies. Specific topics include, but are not
> limited to:
> - Design and implementation of programming languages with first class
> support for concurrency and communication
> - Behavioural types, including session types
> - Concurrent data types, objects and actors
> - Verification and program analysis methods for concurrent and
> distributed software
> - Runtime systems for scalable management of concurrency and resource
> allocation
> - High-level programming abstractions addressing security concerns in
> concurrent and distributed programming
> - Multi- and many-core programming models, including methods for
> harnessing GPUs and other accelerators
> - Memory models for concurrent programming on relaxed-memory
> architectures
> - Integration of sequential and concurrent programming techniques
> - Use of message passing in systems software
> - Interface languages for communication and distribution
> - Novel programming methodologies for sensor networks
> - Programming language approaches to web services
> - Concurrency and communication in event processing and business
> process management
> We expect original articles (20-30 pages) that present high-quality
> contributions that have not been previously published in another
> journal and that must not be simultaneously submitted for publication
> elsewhere.  Longer papers will be considered if there is a clear
> justification for why additional pages are necessary; authors should
> contact the guest editors to discuss this. Each paper will undergo a
> thorough evaluation by at least two reviewers.  The authors will have
> about one month to incorporate the comments of the reviewers and
> submit a revised version of their papers, which will be evaluated
> again by the reviewers to make a final decision.
> Contributions should be typeset in PDF format and must comply with
> JLAMP's author guidelines, which can be retrieved from
> http://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-logical-and-algebraic-methods-in-programming/2352-2208/guide-for-authors. 
> Submissions are handled by the Elsevier Editorial System and can be
> uploaded from the JLAMP web page.
> Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College London, UK,alastair.donaldson at imperial.ac.uk
> Vasco T. Vasconcelos, University of Lisbon, PT,vv at di.fc.ul.pt
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