[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers DATE 2015 : Grenoble, France - March 9-13, 2015

Alain Girault alain.girault at inria.fr
Thu Jul 31 05:29:55 EDT 2014

                          Call for Papers
            Embedded Systems Software Track at DATE 2015
                Grenoble, France - March 9-13, 2015

          Submission Deadline: Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Design, Automation and Test in Europe conference and
exhibition is the main European event bringing together designers
and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as
specialists in the hardware and software design, test and
manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems.

One of the tracks of DATE is devoted to modelling, analysis,
design and deployment of embedded software. You are invited to
submit your research contributions to the Embedded Systems
Software track. This five-day event consists of a conference with
plenary keynotes, regular papers, interactive presentations,
panels and hot-topic sessions, tutorials, master courses and
workshops. The scientific conference is complemented by a
commercial exhibition showing the state-of-the-art in design and
test tools, methodologies, IP and design services. Both the
conference and the exhibition, together with the many user group
meetings, fringe meetings, university booth and social events
offer a wide variety of opportunities to meet and exchange

E1 Real-time, Networked, and Dependable Systems

Chairs: Iain Bate (University of York, UK),
Rodolfo Pellizzoni (University of Waterloo, CA)

Real-time programming languages and software; formal models for
real-time systems; software performance analysis; worst case
execution time analysis; scheduling and software timing
estimation; real-time system optimization; tools and design
methods for real-time, networked and dependable systems; adaptive
real-time systems; dependable systems including safety and
criticality; software for safety critical systems; network control
and QoS for embedded applications; software for sensor networks
and networked applications.

E2 Compilers for Embedded Systems

Chairs: Alain Darte (University of Lyon, FR), Rodric Rabbah (IBM, US)

Compilers for embedded multi-core, heterogeneous, GPU,
reconfigurable, or FPGA platforms; compiler-related tools for
design space exploration, for iterative compilation, to complement
HLS tools; just-in-time compilation and libraries for embedded and
mobile devices; compiler support for enhanced debugging,
profiling, and traceability; code analysis, optimization, and
generation for different metrics (e.g., power, memory lifetime,
WCET, etc.); compilation of domain specific or streaming languages
for embedded systems; compilation tools for embedded systems as
cloud services; certified compilers..

E3 Model-based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems

Chairs: Saddek Bensalem (Verimag-University Joseph Fourier, FR),
Linh Thi Xuan Phan (University of Pennsylvania, US)

Verification techniques for embedded systems ranging from
simulation, testing, model-checking, SAT and SMT-based reasoning,
compositional analysis and analytical methods. Modeling, analysis
and optimization of non-functional and performance aspects such as
timing, memory usage, QoS and reliability. Model-based design of
software architectures and deployment. Theories, languages and
tools supporting model-based design flows covering software,
control and physical components.

E4 Embedded Software Architectures

Chairs: Marc Geilen (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL),
Frédéric Petrot (TIMA Laboratory, FR)

Software architectures for MPSoC, multi/many-core and
(GP)GPU-based systems; Programming paradigms and languages for
embedded MPSoCs, multi/many-core and (GP)GPU-based systems;
Virtualization and middleware for embedded systems, including
resource-awareness, reconfiguration, safety and security aspects;
Software support for reconfigurable components and accelerators;
Software architectures for low power and temperature awareness.

E5 Cyber-Physical Systems

Chairs: Rof Ernst (Technical University of Braunschweig, DE), Paul
Pop (Technical University of Denmark, DK)

Modeling, design, architecture, optimization, and analysis of
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS); Modeling techniques for large-scale
cyber physical systems design and analysis; Verification and
validation in CPS; Safety and cybersecurity in CPS systems;
Internet of things and CPS: modeling, analysis, and design;
Software-intensive CPS; Data-mining and CPS; Autonomous and
semi-autonomous large-scale CPS and related issues;
Socio-technical systems (ex. empowered consumer and organizational
behavior in smart grids) and CPS; Cognitive control for CPS;
Modeling and analysis of networked control, switched control, and
distributed control systems in CPS; control/architecture co-design
in CPS; architecture-aware controller synthesis; Case studies in
CPS ranging from automotive systems, and avionics, to smart
buildings and smart grids.

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically before Sunday,
September 14, 2014, following the instructions on the conference
Web page:


The accepted file format is PDF. Any other format and manuscripts
received in hard-copy form will not be processed.

Papers can be submitted for either formal oral presentation or for
interactive presentation. Oral presentations require novel and
complete research work supported by experimental results.
Interactive presentations are expected to articulate emerging and
future design, verification and test problems including work in
progress and identify open problems that merit innovative future
research. These presentations are given on a laptop in a
face-to-face discussion area.

Submissions should not exceed 6 pages in length for
oral-presentation papers and 4 pages in length for
interactive-presentation papers, and should be formatted as close
as possible to the final format: A4 or letter sheets, double
column, single spaced, Times or equivalent font of minimum 10pt
(templates are available on the DATE Web site for your
convenience). To permit blind review, submissions should not
include the author names. Any submission not in line with the
above rules will be discarded.

All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for
the conference, originality, and technical soundness. The
Programme Committee reserves the right to reorient
oral-presentation papers to interactive-presentation and vice
versa, to obtain the most suitable presentation format.

Lothar Thiele - DATE Embedded Systems Software Track Chair -
thiele at ethz.ch

David Atienza - DATE Program Chair -
david.atienza at epfl.ch

Alain GIRAULT                       http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/~girault
INRIA senior researcher             tel: +(33|0) 476 61 53 51
Member of the SPADES project-team   fax: +(33|0) 476 61 52 52
Sauvons la Recherche ! http://www.sauvonslarecherche.fr

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