[TYPES/announce] Call for Presentations: Coq for Programming Languages (CoqPL) 2015

Matthieu Sozeau matthieu.sozeau at inria.fr
Wed Aug 6 08:41:05 EDT 2014


                          CoqPL 2015

                  Coq for Programming Languages
               A Coq users and developers meeting
                January 18th 2015, Mumbai, India 
                  (co-located with POPL 2015)

                     CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS


Workshop Overview

The CoqPL workshop provides an opportunity for programming languages
researchers to meet and interact with one another and members from the
core Coq development team. At the meeting, we will discuss upcoming new
features, see talks and demonstrations of exciting current projects,
solicit feedback for potential future changes, and generally work to
strengthen the vibrant community around our favorite proof assistant.
Topics in scope: 

* General purpose libraries and tactic language extensions.

* Domain-specific libraries aroud programming language formalization and

* Tools, in the form of IDEs, profilers, tracers, debuggers, 
and testing tools;

* Experiment reports, general practice and experience with
Coq, e.g., in an education or industry context.

To foster open discussion of cutting edge research which can later be
published in full conference proceedings, we will not publish papers
from the workshop. However, presentations will be recorded and the
videos made publicly available.

Workshop Format

The workshop format will be driven by you, members of the community. We
will solicit abstracts for talks and proposals for demonstrations and
flesh out format details based on responses. We expect the final program
to include experiment reports, panel discussions, and invited talks
(details TBA). Talks will be selected according to relevance to the
workshop, based on the submission of an extended abstract.

Submission Details

* Abstract Submission : Friday, October 17th, 2014
* Author Notification : Friday, October 31th, 2014
* Workshop            : Sunday, January 18th, 2015

Submissions should be extended abstracts of 1--2 pages in portable
document format (PDF). Submission is via EasyChair:


Program Committee

Yves Bertot, Inria
Maxime Dénès, University of Pennsylvania
Georges Gonthier, Inria
Xavier Leroy, Inria
Zhong Shao, Yale University
Matthieu Sozeau, Inria (Chair)
Zach Tatlock, University of Washington

Organizing Committee

Yves Bertot, Inria
Maxime Dénès, University of Pennsylvania
Matthieu Sozeau, Inria
Zach Tatlock, University of Washington

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