[TYPES/announce] [fm-announcements] Call for Highlights: Aerospace America Intelligent Systems Year In Review

Kristin Yvonne Rozier Kristin.Y.Rozier at nasa.gov
Sat Aug 16 01:23:59 EDT 2014


Please consider submitting a highlight about your work! It is only 150 
words and it would really help to call attention to the important role 
of formal methods in the future of aerospace!


                       Call for Highlights

             Intelligent Systems 2014 Year In Review
                   Aerospace America magazine

                   Due date: August 25, 2014 (firm)

This is a call for submissions for the "Year In Review" December, 2014 
issue of Aerospace America magazine. We are looking for summaries of 
interesting aerospace applications of intelligent systems, of 
approximately 150 words in length, with an accompanying graphic if 
possible. Each highlight will be integrated within an overall narrative, 
so key organizations/affiliations should be identified within the text 
to enable proper credit to be given; including a URL for further 
information on your work is required. The AIAA Intelligent Systems 
Technical Committee will select, from among all submissions received, 
six that will be highlighted in the year-end issue of Aerospace America 

Deadline: Monday, August 25, 2014 (firm)
Submit through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=yir2014

* 150 words
* describing an advancement in research relating to aerospace 
intelligent systems
* describing work that occurred or is projected to occur between January 
and December, 2014
* identifying key organizations/affiliations
* including a URL for further information and a word or phrase to 
hyperlink it to in the onine version of the article (Please list the 
word, phrase, or lab name to be hyperlinked after the highlight text, 
with the desired URL.)
* with an accompanying graphic, if possible: include after the highlight 
text a URL for a high-resolution JPG; include photo credit and caption

* Submission Deadline: August 25, 2014 (firm)
* Notification of selection for Aerospace America article: September 1, 2014
* Proofs go out for author approval of AIAA ISTC newsletter: October 1, 2014
* Aerospace America article is published: December 1, 2014
* AIAA ISTC highlight newsletter is published: December 1, 2014

This article will cover the most important developments this year in 
aerospace intelligent systems. Breakthroughs, setbacks, and industry 
trends that have occurred during the past year, the reasons they are 
important, and their impact on the aerospace community are also relevant.

More information on what types of aerospace systems qualify as 
intelligent is available here: 

Aerospace America reaches 40,000 people in a broad cross section of 
disciplines. highlights should be written so that all of them are able 
to understand the content, without acronyms if possible.

The AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee (ISTC) is concerned 
with the application of Intelligent System (IS) technologies and methods 
to aerospace systems, the verification and validation of these systems, 
and the education of the AIAA membership in the use of IS technologies 
in aerospace and other technical disciplines. See the Intelligent 
Systems Technical Committee website for more information on our 
technology focus: https://info.aiaa.org/tac/ISG/ISTC/default.aspx.

Previous years' print articles are available at 

This year there will be two versions: a paper article with authors' 
designated hyperlink text bolded and an online article with the provided 
URL linked. Also, with author permission, all submitted highlights (not 
just the six selected for the article) will be included on the AIAA ISTC 
website and newsletter. Requests for permission and approval of 
camera-ready versions will go out on October 1, 2014.

            /\                       \ \_____
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         | (  ) |                          ###[==_____>
        /| /\/\ |\                            /_/
       / | |  | | \
      /  |=|==|=|  \       Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Ph.D.
    /    | |  | |    \       Research Computer Scientist
   / USA | ~||~ |NASA \    NASA Ames Research Center
  |______|  ~~  |______|     Phone: (650) 604-3197
         (__||__)            Fax:   (650) 604-3594
         /_\  /_\
         !!!  !!!          http://ti.arc.nasa.gov/profile/kyrozier/

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