[TYPES/announce] POPL 2015 visa pre-registration

Viktor Vafeiadis viktor at mpi-sws.org
Mon Sep 22 02:36:07 EDT 2014

* Pre-registration for visa purposes *

[Action item:  Please pre-register for POPL and collocated events to get your visa process started.  This step is *free* -- there is no cost to signing up -- but necessary to get you an Indian visa.]

The registration site for POPL 2015 and collocated events is now live at
(it can be accessed from the POPL website http://popl.mpi-sws.org/2015/ ).  Unlike past years, we are doing a pre-registration phase for visa purposes. POPL organizers are required to submit a list of all attendees who will apply for visas to the Indian government on October 11 (3 months before the conference).  Every attendee who has a non-Indian passport needs a visa and we request everyone who needs a visa to pre-register (don’t need to pay now) before October 10th. More details about visa process can be found at:
We have set up the POPL registration site appropriately to collect passport and other information needed for visa purposes. If you need a visa, can you please pre-register with your passport information etc as soon as you can? Pre-registering also enables us to send you some documents you need to apply for your visa.  

Thanks for bearing through the visa process, and look forward to seeing you all at POPL 15 and collocated events!

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