[TYPES/announce] Call for abstracts: 1st Workshop on Programming Languages and Verification Technology for Networking

Arjun Guha arjun.guha at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 10:42:05 EDT 2014


1st Workshop on Programming Languages and Verification Technology for Networking
January 12, 2015
Mumbai, India

Co-located with POPL 2015


Modern networks are large, complex, and critical for society. Unfortunately,
networks can also be unreliable. Network outages are common and often caused by
bugs in network programs and configurations. These kinds of network outages are
likely to become even more common, since networks continue to grow larger and
become more complex. Therefore, we must develop tools and methods to help
operators reason about network behavior, performance, and security.

Over the past several years, there has been a flurry of activity in this space.
Several researchers in programming languages and verification communities have
applied their expertise to develop tools and techniques for building and
reasoning about networks. The goal of this informal workshop is to convene
researchers interesting in applying their techniques to networking. The program
will have both invited and contributed talks and plenty of time for discussion
and debate.

We plan to have a diverse program, including invited talks, contributed talks
and tutorials, and ample time for discussion. This is an informal workshop with
no published proceedings.

Invited Speakers:

- Mooly Sagiv (Tel Aviv University)
- Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)


We do not have strict formatting guidelines. You may submit either a text file
or a PDF document. Try to keep the abstract short. Please do not exceed two
pages of the standard ACM sigplanconf stylesheet. At least one author of each
submission is expected to register and attend to present the work.

Submission site: https://conferences.cs.umass.edu/plvnet2015/


Program Chairs:
- Pavol Cerny (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Arjun Guha (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Program Committee:
- Nikolaj Bjørner (Microsoft Research)
- Nate Foster (Cornell University)
- Eric Keller (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)
- Boon Thau Loo (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Walker (Princeton University)

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