[TYPES/announce] Call for SIGPLAN award nominations (deadline: January 5, 2015)

Derek Dreyer dreyer at mpi-sws.org
Mon Dec 1 11:17:49 EST 2014

Dear members of the international PL community:

ACM SIGPLAN gives out several awards each year to recognize
outstanding contributions to the science of programming languages, as
well as the individuals who make those contributions.  These include:

- Programming Languages Achievement Award
- Programming Languages Software Award
- Robin Milner Young Researcher Award
- John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award

The recipients of all of the above awards are selected based on
nominations from the PL community.  Unfortunately, these awards (with
the exception of the Doctoral Dissertation award) receive only a
handful of fresh nominations per year.  (Nominations from one year
roll over into the nomination pool for 2 additional years.)

On behalf of the SIGPLAN Executive Committee, I would like to strongly
encourage all of you, members of the international PL community, to
consider submitting nominations for these awards.  It doesn't really
take that much effort: typically just writing a short (200- to
500-word) nomination statement, and listing the names of some esteemed
colleagues who would be willing to write statements in support of the
nomination.  (It is advised that you check that the supporters are in
fact willing to write supporting statements before you submit the

The nomination deadline for all of these awards is January 5, 2015.
The SIGPLAN awards portal is currently open and accepting nominations
at https://awards.sigplan.org.

For more information about the awards, as well as details of the
nomination process and citations for prior recipients, see:

The chairs of the 2015 committees for these awards are:

- Achievement Award: Norman Ramsey
- Software Award: Susan Eisenbach
- Milner Award: Julia Lawall
- Dissertation Award: Susan Eisenbach

You are encouraged to contact the appropriate award chair if you have
any questions about the nomination process.

Best regards,
Derek Dreyer

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