[TYPES/announce] Post-doc research positions in PL, verification, and security at MSR Cambridge: deadline January 5

Dimitrios Vytiniotis dimitris at microsoft.com
Tue Dec 9 11:32:40 EST 2014

Forwarding a message from Andy Gordon. 

Dear all,
I wanted to bring your attention to the availability of post-doc research positions at MSR Cambridge.
To apply for a post-doc position, use the tool here: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/jobs/fulltime/apply_researcher.aspx
The deadline for completed applications and references is January 5 - do start early so your referees can upload their letters in time.
It's a good idea to drop me an email too, to let us know you plan to apply.
Thanks, Andy
The Programming Principles and Tools group devises formal techniques and models for understanding programs, programming abstractions and languages, and develops related implementation technology. We are looking for exceptional postdoctoral research candidates to join our vibrant research community.
MSR Cambridge: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/labs/cambridge/ 
Programming Principles and Tools: http://research.microsoft.com/ppt 
Constructive Security: http://research.microsoft.com/security

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