[TYPES/announce] GaLoP 2015: Workshop on Games for Logic and Programming Languages

Pierre Clairambault pierre.clairambault at ens-lyon.fr
Mon Dec 22 13:04:04 EST 2014

10th Workshop on Games for Logic and Programming Languages (GaLoP 2015)

London, United Kingdom, 11-12 April


GaLoP is an annual international workshop on game-semantic models for 
logics and programming languages and their applications. This is an 
informal workshop that welcomes work in progress, overviews of more 
extensive work, programmatic or position papers and tutorials.

GaLoP X will be held in London, UK on 11-12 April 2015 as a satellite 
workshop of ETAPS (http://www.etaps.org/).

Areas of interest include:
   * Games and other interaction-based denotational models;
   * Games-based program analysis and verification;
   * Logics for games and games for logics;
   * Algorithmic aspects of game semantics;
   * Categorical aspects of game semantics;
   * Programming languages and full abstraction;
   * Higher-order automata and Petri nets;
   * Geometry of interaction;
   * Ludics;
   * Epistemic game theory;
   * Logics of dependence and independence;
   * Computational linguistics;
   * Games and multi-valued logics.

There will be no formal proceedings but the possibility of a special 
issue in a journal will be considered (the 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014 
workshops led to special issues in Annals of Pure and Applied Logic).

// Submission Instructions //

Please submit an abstract (up to one page) of your proposed talk on the 
easychair submission page below. Supplementary material may be 
submitted, and will be considered at the discretion of the PC.


// Important Dates //

Submission: January 25, 2015
Notification: February 10, 2015
Workshop: April 11-12, 2015

// Invited talks //

In celebration of its 10th occurrence, GaLoP 2015 will include a special 
session with talks from some of the key early contributors in game 
semantics. For this occasion the speakers will include:

   * Pierre-Louis Curien, Paris
   * Martin Hyland, Cambridge
   * Luke Ong, Oxford
   * others TBC

There will also be invited talks from:

   * Paul Blain Levy, Birmingham,
   * Nikos Tzevelekos, London
   * others TBC

// Program Committee //

   * Pierre Clairambault, Lyon (Chair)
   * Dan Ghica, Birmingham
   * Tom Hirschowitz, Chambéry
   * Naohiko Hoshino, Kyoto
   * Luke Ong, Oxford
   * Gabriel Sandu, Helsinki
   * Ulrich Schöpp, Munich

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