[TYPES/announce] PCC 2015 - Proof, Computation, and Complexity in Oslo
Reinhard Kahle
kahle at fct.unl.pt
Mon Jan 12 08:55:53 EST 2015
PCC 2015
Proof, Computation and Complexity
Fourteenth International Workshop
May 23-24, 2015, Oslo, Norway
co-located with the Symposium on the occasion of the retirements of
Herman Ruge Jervell and Dag Normann, May 21-22, 2015
and following the Abel Prize Award Ceremony, May 19, 2015
and the Abel Lectures and Science Lecture, May 20, 2015.
Aim and scope
The aim of PCC is to stimulate research in proof theory, computation,
and complexity, focusing on issues which combine logical and
computational aspects. Topics may include applications of formal
inference systems in computer science, as well as new developments in
proof theory motivated by computer science demands. Specific areas of
interest are (non-exhaustively listed) foundations for specification
and programming languages, logical methods in specification and
program development including program extraction from proofs, type
theory, new developments in structural proof theory, and implicit
computational complexity.
Invited Speaker
- Andreas Weiermann, Ghent University, Belgium
PCC Steering Committee
- Reinhard Kahle, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
- Lars Kristiansen, University of Oslo, Norway
Program Committee
- Eivind Briseid, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
- Reinhard Kahle, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (co-chair)
- Lars Kristiansen, University of Oslo, Norway (co-chair)
- Øystein Linnebo, University of Oslo, Norway (co-chair)
- Ralph Matthes, IRIT, CNRS and Univ. de Toulouse, France
- Isabel Oitavem, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and CMAF, UL, Portugal
Contributed talks
We solicit contributions in the fields of PCC, non-exhaustively
described above. Please register a contribution at the EasyChair site
for PCC 2015: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pcc2015.
This consists in a title, a short text-only abstract and
the PDF file of a LaTeX abstract that fits on one page in format A4.
PCC is intended to be a lively forum for presenting and discussing
recent work. Progress on a not yet satisfactorily solved problem may
well be worth presenting - in particular if the discussions during the
workshop might lead towards a solution.
Important dates
- Deadline for proposing a contributed talk: April 1, 2015
- Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2015
- Registration deadline: May 1, 2015
Past events
- 2014 in Paris, co-located with TYPES 2014
- 2013 in Toulouse, co-located with TYPES 2013
- 2012 in Copenhagen, co-located with the 8th Scandinavian Logic Symposium
- 2011 in Ghent
- 2010 in Bern
- 2009 in Nancy
- 2008 in Oslo
- 2007 in Swansea, co-located with the British Mathematical Colloquium 2007
- 2006 in Ilmenau
- 2005 in Lisbon, as affiliated workshop to ICALP '05
- 2004 in Dresden, in conjunction with the Summer School on Proof Theory
and Automated Theorem Proving
- 2003 in Dresden, in conjunction with the Summer School on Proof
Theory, Computation, and Complexity
- 2002 in Tübingen
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