[TYPES/announce] Post-doc in Japan: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship
Ichiro Hasuo
ichiro at is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Wed Feb 18 23:57:17 EST 2015
Dear colleagues,
Let me advertise **JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship**, a postdoctoral
fellowship for foreign researchers to work in Japan, funded by the
Japanese government via the funding body JSPS.
Unlike common post-doc positions in which a principal investigator
(PI) gets positions and calls for applications to fill them, an
application to JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship is made jointly by a
foreign researcher and a host researcher in Japan. Your first step
therefore would be to contact a prospective host researcher.
(So please note that I'm advertising not positions that I have, but a
scheme that you can use with me or other researchers in Japan as your
host. Note also that this is not an official advertisement by JSPS
either :)
Some further notes:
- Fellowships are awarded for a period of 12 to 24 months.
- The fellowship will award:
* A round-trip air ticket
* A monthly maintenance allowance of approx. JPY 360,000
(I'd say this is quite enough for living even in Tokyo.
Believe me, Japan is not an expensive place as is
commonly believed!)
* A settling-in allowance of approx. JPY 200,000, overseas
travel accident and sickness insurance coverage, etc.
In addition you will get your own grant money of max. JPY
1,500,000 per year, for your trips, computers, books, etc.
Sounds OK, doesn't it?
- There are two application paths:
1) through Open Recruitment in Japan; and
2) through an Overseas Nominating Authority, including the
Royal Society (UK), CNRS (France), NWO (the Netherlands),
It seems that the latter path is often less competitive.
In fact the common kind of post-doc positions (a PI gets them and
he/she advertises them) is somewhat rare in Japan. Therefore many
researchers, including myself, are waiting for your contact on
an application of JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship!
There are other funding opportunities for foreign post-docs as well; I
myself would be very happy to seek opportunities for promising
researchers with similar research interests.
Thank you, Ichiro
Ichiro Hasuo
Lecturer, Dept. Computer Science, The University of Tokyo
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