[TYPES/announce] New mailing list: Data-Centric Programming

James Cheney james.cheney at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 15:11:48 EST 2015


Moments after sending this it was pointed out to me that while I gave the
email address for posting to the mailing list, I did not include any useful
information about *joining* said list.

The mailing list can be joined at this web page:


using Google Account credentials (which can be associated with any email

Apologies for the omission (and to those of you not interested in either


On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 7:08 PM, James Cheney <james.cheney at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am pleased to announce the creation of a new mailing list for discussion
> and announcements related to "data-centric programming".  Data-centric
> programming broadly refers to programming techniques for database,
> data-parallel, distributed, or streaming computation models (e.g. LINQ,
> MapReduce/Hadoop, multicore or GPGPU programming).
> It may be of interest to readers of the TYPES list, since ideas from types
> and programming languages have historically influenced research in this
> area, and continue to do so today.
> It is hosted, for the time being, by Google Groups:
> data-centric-programming at googlegroups.com
> Its creation was motivated by discussion at a recent Dagstuhl seminar [1]
> concerning how to improve communication and build community among
> researchers in different areas with common interests, such as databases,
> systems, high-performance computation, programming languages, or
> security/privacy.
> This mailing list is intended as a public forum for researchers and
> practitioners  interested in programming languages and data-centric
> computation.  It is intended to be a lightweight and low-traffic forum for
> discussion of research ideas and community-building activities to help
> strengthen ties among those in this area.
> --James
> [1] http://www.dagstuhl.de/de/programm/kalender/semhp/?semnr=14511
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