[TYPES/announce] Postdoc positions announcement

José Carlos Bacelar Almeida bacelar at di.uminho.pt
Sat Feb 28 16:39:57 EST 2015

Post Doctoral positions at HASLab / INESC TEC & University of Minho

The High Assurance Software Lab (HASLab) is an R&D unit at INESC TEC,
a leading research institution in Portugal. The HASLab specialises
in the rigorous development of software applications for critical systems and
infrastructures, drawing on expertise in software engineering, dependable 
distributed systems, and cryptography and information security.

The HASLab has recently opened 10 positions for Post Doctoral researchers,
6 positions for Ph.D. students, and is offering a significant number of internships 
to prospective Ph.D. candidates.

We are looking for Post Doctoral researchers that can be integrated into the
activities of HASLab — in EU and national projects — and also lead their own 
research projects within the group, preferably in the following areas: source 
code analysis, testing and verification, formal methods, large scale data management,
theory of cryptography or computer and network security.

A successful Post Doctoral candidate will be offered a package that may include
up to 25K EUR/Year salary, health insurance, one Ph.D. grant and one internship 
grant for recruitment, as well as access to the HASLab travel and equipment 
funding schemes. Post-doc positions may be extended until up to 5 years.

Applications can be sent by e-mail to apply at haslab.pt. Eligible candidates will
be selected for an interview that marks the start of the recruitment process. 
Positions will remain continuously open until the end of 2015 (or until fulfilled).

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