[TYPES/announce] CFP: PACT2015 - Abstract Deadline March 19th

LIN MA larry.mars at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 02:16:29 EST 2015

PACT 2015 : The 24th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and
Compilation Techniques https://sites.google.com/a/lbl.gov/pact2015/

October 18-21, 2015
San Francisco, CA, USA

Abstract Deadline             March 19th
Paper  Deadline               March 26th
Rebuttal Period               June 7th -11th
Author Notification           Aug 1st
Camera Ready Version          Aug 18th

PACT 2015 will bring together researchers from architecture,
compilers, applications and languages to present and discuss
innovative research of common interest. PACT solicits novel papers,
workshops, tutorials and entries to an ACM student research
competition on a broad range of topics that include, but are not
limited to:

* Parallel architectures and computational models
* Compilers and tools for parallel computer systems
* Middleware and run time system support for parallel computing
* Hardware-software co-design for parallel computing
* Hardware-software support for new compute and memory subsystems
* Hardware-software support for power management and resilience
* Support for correctness in concurrent hardware and software
* I/O issues in parallel computing and their relation to applications
* Parallel programming languages, algorithms and applications
* Application-specific parallel systems
* Applications and experimental systems studies
* Topics in non-traditional computing systems

All submissions must be made electronically through the conference web
site. Abstracts must include contact information, the full list of
authors and their affiliations, and a description (100-400 words) of
the anticipated content of the paper.  Full paper submissions must be
in PDF formatted for US lettersize paper. They must not exceed 10
pages (all inclusive) in standard ACM two-column conference format
(preprint mode, with page number).  Templates for ACM format are
available for Microsoft Word, and LaTeX at
http://www.sigplan.org/authorInformation.htm (use the 9 pt template).
For additional information regarding paper submissions, authors should
contact the Program Chair.

ACM Student Research Competition
PACT 2015 also calls for participation in the ACM Student
ResearchCompetition (SRC).  All eligible participants are entitled to
an up to $500 travel grant. Winners will receive monetary prizes and
others.  The submission deadline is August 10, 2015. Please see the
PACT web site for details.  Papers accepted to PACT 2015 can not be
simultaneously submitted as ACM SRC entries.

Location Information
PACT '15 will take place at The Sir Francis Drake: A San Francisco
Hotel on Union Square.  Group rates and registration information to be
posted at a later date.

Organization and Contact Information
General Chair: Costin Iancu (cciancu at lbl.gov) and Katherine Yelick
(kayelick at lbl.gov), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Program Chair: Marc Snir (snir at anl.gov), University of Illinois, USA

Workshop Chair: Jason Mars (profmars at umich.edu), University of
Michigan, USA

Program Committee:

Gheorghe Almasi          IBM Research, USA
Pavan Balaji             Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Franck Cappello          Argonne national Laboratory, USA
Calin Cascaval           Qualcomm, USA
Albert Cohen             INRIA, France
Bronis R. de Supinski    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Anshu Dubey              Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Matan Erez               The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Yoav Etsion              Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Thomas Fahringer         University of Innsbruck, Austria
Edgar Gabriel            University of Houston, USA
Maria Garzaran           University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
William Gropp            University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Torsten Hoefler          ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Jeff Hollingsworth       University of Maryland College Park, USA
Laxmikant Kale           University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Mahmut Kandemir          Penn State University, USA
Omer Khan                University of Connecticut, USA
John Kim                 KAIST, South Korea
Keiji Kimura             Waseda University, Japan
Michael Kozuch           Intel, USA
Sriram Krishnamoorthy    Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA
Andrew Lumsdaine         U. of Indiana, USA
Lin Ma                   Huawei America Research Center
Rami Melhem              University of Pittsburgh, USA
John Mellor-Crummey      Rice University, USA
Samuel Midkiff           Purdue University, USA
Jaime Moreno             IBM Research, USA
Nacho Navarro            Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Michael O’Boyle          University of Edinburgh, UK
Boyana Norris            University of Oregon, USA
Keshav Pingali           University of Texas, Austin, USA
Gilles Pokam             Intel Labs, USA
Alex Ramirez             NVIDIA, USA
Lawrence Rauchwerger     Texas A&M University, USA
Larry Rudolph            MIT, USA
Saday Sadayappan         Ohio State University, USA
John Shalf               Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Xipeng Shen              North Carolina State University, USA
Rajeev Thakur            Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Jesper Larsson Traff     Vienna University of Technology, Austria
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