[TYPES/announce] Call for papers: DBPL 2015

James Cheney james.cheney at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 11:30:29 EDT 2015

                    The 15th International Symposium
                   on Database Programming Languages
                     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
                         October 26 or 27, 2015
                      hosted as part of SPLASH 2015

                            Call for Papers

For over 25 years, DBPL has established itself as the principal venue
for publishing and discussing new ideas at the intersection of
databases and programming languages. Many key contributions in query
languages for object-oriented data, persistent databases, nested
relational data, and semistructured data, as well as fundamental ideas
in types for query languages, were first announced at DBPL. Today,
this creative research area is broadening into a subfield of
data-centric computation, currently scattered among a range of
venues. DBPL is an established destination for such new ideas and
solicits submissions from researchers in databases, programming
languages or any other community interested in the design,
implementation or foundations of data-centric computation.


  DBPL solicits practical and theoretical papers in all topics at the
  intersection of databases and programming languages. Papers
  emphasizing new topics or emerging areas are especially
  welcome. Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for
  submissions include:

  -  Compiling Query Languages to Modern Hardware
  -  Data-Centric Programming Abstractions, Comprehensions, Monads
  -  Data Integration, Exchange, and Interoperability
  -  Data Synchronization and Bidirectional Transformations
  -  Declarative Data Centers
  -  Emerging and Nontraditional Data Models
  -  Language-Based Security in Data Management
  -  Language-Integrated Query Mechanisms
  -  Managing Uncertain and Imprecise Information
  -  Metaprogramming and Heterogeneous Staged Computation
  -  Programming Language Support for Databases
  -  Query Compilation and In-memory Databases
  -  Query Language Design
  -  Query Transformation and Optimization
  -  Schema Mapping and Metadata Management
  -  Semantics and Verification of Database Systems
  -  Stream Data Processing and Query Languages
  -  Type Systems for Data-Centric Programming
  -  Validation, Type-checking

Author Guidelines

  Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers in English
  presenting original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished
  and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be
  no more than 10 pages long in the [ACM SIGPLAN] format.

  Each submission should begin with a succinct statement of the
  problem and a summary of the main results. Authors may provide more
  details to substantiate the main claims of the paper by including a
  clearly marked appendix at the end of the submission, which is not
  included in the page limit and is read at the discretion of the

  At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the symposium
  to present their work.

  Short papers of at most 4 pages ([ACM SIGPLAN] format) describing
  work in progress, demos, research challenges or visions are also
  welcome. Accepted short papers may be included or excluded from the
  formal proceedings, whichever the author(s) prefer.

  Full and short papers are both due on the deadline, June 15, 2015.
  Abstracts of full papers should be submitted by June 10 to aid
  reviewer selection.

  The [submission site] will be open for submissions around one month
  before the submission deadline.

  [ACM SIGPLAN] http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/
  [submission site]  https://dbpl2015.hotcrp.com/

Important Dates

  - Abstract Submission (full papers only): June 10, 2015
  - Paper Submission: June 15, 2015 (midnight GMT)
  - Notification: July 15, 2015
  - Final versions due: August 14, 2015
  - Symposium: October 26 or 27, 2015


  Accepted papers will appear as part of the ACM International
  Conference Proceedings series for DBPL 2015.

Program Committee

   *Program Co-Chairs*
      James Cheney          University of Edinburgh, Scotland
      Thomas Neumann        TU Munich, Germany
   *Program Committee*
      Véronique Benzaken    Université Paris-Sud, France
      Torsten Grust         Universität Tübingen, Germany
      Jan Hidders           TU Delft, Netherlands
      Georg Lausen        Universität Freiburg, Germany
      Sam Lindley        University of Edinburgh, Scotland
      Klaus Ostermann        Universität Tübingen, Germany
      Christopher Ré        Stanford University, USA
      Stefanie Scherzinger  OTH Regensburg, Germany
      Ryan Wisnesky        Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


The 15th Symposium on Data Base Programming Languages (DBPL 2015)
continues the tradition of excellence initiated by its predecessors in
Roscoff, Finistere (1987), Salishan, Oregon (1989), Nafplion, Argolida
(1991), Manhattan, New York (1993), Gubbio, Umbria (1995), Estes Park,
Colorado (1997), Kinloch Rannoch, Scotland (1999), Marino, Rome
(2001), Potsdam, Germany (2003), Trondheim, Norway (2005), Vienna,
Austria (2007), Lyon, France (2009), Seattle, Washington (2011), and
Riva del Garda, Italy (2013). DBPL was affiliated with VLDB from
1999-2013 and in 2015 is affiliated with SPLASH for the first time.
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