[TYPES/announce] 4th Intl. Workshop on ‘Quantitative Aspects of Security Assurance’ - QASA 2015 - Preliminary CfP

Aldini, Alessandro alessandro.aldini at uniurb.it
Tue Apr 21 04:24:35 EDT 2015

4th  Intl. Workshop on ‘Quantitative Aspects of Security Assurance’
        (QASA 2015)
co-located with ESORICS 2015 (21-25 Sept. 2015, Vienna)

**** Preliminary Call for papers ****


There is increasing need to provide quantification of security assurance
over the multi-level development
life-cycle of systems & services, e.g., from requirements elicitation to
run-time operation and maintenance.
Addressing such quantitative aspects, the QASA workshop aims to bring
together researchers and practitioners
interested in the quantification research dimensions spanning
dependability, security, privacy and risk,
and with particular emphasis on techniques for service oriented
architectures, IoT and cyber-physical systems.

The list of topics includes, but it is not limited to:

-Assurance cases modeling and analysis
-Game theoretical models for cyber insurance
-Incremental/modular security assurance analysis
-Metrics for trust, security and privacy
-Model-based techniques for assurance
-Process compliance assurance techniques
-Probabilistic/stochastic model checking
-Quantitative information flow analysis
-Quantitative issues in access and usage control
-Security testing techniques
-Simulation techniques for security, privacy, risk
-Static/dynamic code analysis techniques
-Tool support for quantitative security assurance

Submission dates:

Submission: June 21 2015
Notification: July 28 2015
Camera ready pre-procs: August 20 2015
Final post-procs: October 2015

Workshop organizers:

Alessandro Aldini, Univ. of Urbino
Fabio Martinelli, CNR
Neeraj Suri, TU Darmstadt

PC members (TBC):

Andrea Bondavalli, Univ. of Florence
Tom Clothia,  Univ. of Birmingham
Jorge Cuellar, Siemens
Frédéric Cuppens, Telecom-Bretagne
Joaquin Garcia Alfaro, Telecom-SudParis
Javier Lopez, Univ. of Malaga
Jesus Luna, CSA
Cathy Meadows, NRL
Charles Morisset, Univ. of Newcastle
Pierangela Samarati, Univ. of Milan
Reijo Savola, VTT
Ketil Stoelen, SINTEF
Lorenzo Strigini, City London University
Herbert Wiklicky, ICL

Program & Proceedings
The program will consist of invited speakers as well as of presentations of
submitted papers.
As in previous edition, revised version of the selected papers are expected
to be published
in a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer.
Journal special issue is also planned.

Contact:Email: qasa2015 at iit.cnr.it
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