[TYPES/announce] Faculty openings in software technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Philipp Haller philipp.haller at a3.epfl.ch
Mon Apr 27 03:35:33 EDT 2015

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, has several faculty
openings in software technology.

Position 1: Associate professor in Computer Science with
specialization in Software Construction.

Position 2: Assistant professor in Computer Science with
specialization in Software Technology.

Position 1 and - optionally - position 2 as well are affiliated with
the department of Theoretical Computer Science (the TCS group), within
the School of Computer Science and Communication (CSC).

Position 2 is particularly well supported and may be held at several
schools within KTH.

The TCS group has a strong academic record and good external funding
from EU and national sources. There is active research in both
foundational topics (complexity theory, logic, formal methods) and
more applied ones (computer security, cryptography, programming
languages, databases, natural languages, computer science education).

For more information about KTH, the CSC school, and the TCS group
visit www.kth.se, www.csc.kth.se, www.csc.kth.se/tcs.

Application instructions:
For full information about the position, requirements, and the
application procedure visit

Position 1: https://www.kth.se/en/om/work-at-kth/lediga-jobb/what:job/jobID:59153/where:4/

Position 2: http://www.kth.se/en/om/work-at-kth/lediga-jobb/what:job/jobID:58448/where:4/

Application deadline:

Position 1: 25 May 2015

Position 2: 29 May 2015

Contact: Philipp Haller (phaller at kth.se) or Mads Dam (mfd at kth.se)

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