[TYPES/announce] MEMO 2015 - Call for Poster's and Short Presentations

Søren Debois debois at itu.dk
Mon Apr 27 06:57:21 EDT 2015

             MeMo 2015
     2nd International Workshop on
    MetaModels for Process Languages

            June 5, 2015
          Grenoble, France

 Satellite workshop of DisCoTec 2015

    Call for Posters/Short presentations

1 May 2015: Submission of posters & short presentations
5 May 2015: Notification of posters to authors
5 June 2015: MeMo in Grenoble


Metamodels are framework theories which provide general, structural results simplifying and driving the development of models of specific systems and languages.  Metamodels can also help in the definition of new computation and programming paradigms.

The goal of the MeMo workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on and with metamodels, with the aim to share insights, uncover similarities and differences, possibilities for cross-fertilization and stimulate further research.  We solicit contributions in the theory and applications of meta models: theoretical results, tool implementations, real-world applications, case studies, new application areas, integration of meta-models with programming languages, etc.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

- Metamodels for operational semantics: bigraphical reactive systems, coalgebras, psi-calculus, SOS formats, term and graph transformation systems, tile models, ULTraS and FuTS, etc.
- Metamodels for denotational semantics: algebraic/bialgebraic specifications, monads, enriched Lawvere theories, mathematical operational semantics, etc.
- Metamodels for logical semantics: metalanguages for deductive systems, concurrent logical frameworks
- Expressiveness issues of metamodels
- Applications of meta-models to the design of computational paradigms (e.g., for agent-based and context-aware computing)
- Tools, implementations, and experiments


We invite both posters and short presentations. In addition, we invite poster announcements of already published results, should the authors be interested in discussing their published research with the MeMo community and giving a talk.  Posters will not be part of the post-proceedings.

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via EasyChair (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=memo2015). Posters and short presentations should not exceed 8 pages with the EPTCS style (http://style.eptcs.org/). Short presentations and posters must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors.


Patrick Bahr, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Vincenzo Ciancia, ISTI CNR Pisa, Italy
Søren Debois, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Fabio Gadducci, University of Pisa, Italy
Tobias Heindel, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Thomas Hildebrandt, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Marino Miculan, University of Udine, Italy (chair)
Joachim Parrow, Uppsala University, Sweden
Iliano Cervesato, CMU Qatar
Pawel Sobocinski, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Jan Rutten, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), The Netherlands


Søren Debois, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Thomas Hildebrandt, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Marino Miculan, University of Udine, Italy


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