[TYPES/announce] Vacancies in "Computational Aspects of Univalence" at UiB (Norway)

Marc.Bezem at uib.no Marc.Bezem at uib.no
Thu May 21 05:07:44 EDT 2015

At the University of Bergen, Norway, there are two vacancies in the  
project "Computational Aspects of Univalence" led by Marc Bezem and  
Bjørn Ian Dundas. The project is a collaboration between the  
Department of Informatics and the Department of Mathematics, and is  
funded by the Research Council of Norway. Starting date is (ca) 1  
October, deadline for application 10 June. A detailed project  
description can be found here:


One vacancy is a 4-year PhD position (with 25% teaching duties):


The other vacancy is a 2-year Postdoc position:


Interested candidates are encouraged to take contact with one of the  
project leaders, preferably by e-mail ( bezem at ii.uib.no or  
dundas at math.uib.no ).

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