[TYPES/announce] ECSS 2015 - 1st Call for Participation/Contributions

Cristina Pereira cristina.pereira at informatics-europe.org
Thu May 21 10:08:21 EDT 2015

*11th European Computer Science Summit - ECSS 2015 -*
*"Informatics in the future – in the year 2025"*

*13–14 October 2015, Vienna, Austria*

*Pre-Summit Workshops on 12 October 2015 

  *Deadline for Submissions: August 15, 2015*
*Notifications of Acceptance: September 7, 2015*
*Deadline for Early Registration: September 15, 2015*

The 11th European Computer Science Summit, ECSS 2015, is the meeting 
place for anyone interested in issues of research, education, and policy 
in Information and Computer Sciences. It is a unique opportunity to meet 
some of the leading decision makers in Informatics research and 
education, and discuss the critical issues of the discipline.

ECSS 2015 will be held in Vienna, Austria, October 12-14, 2015, hosted 
by the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology (TU 
Wien). The Summit is co-chaired by Carlo Ghezzi 
<http://home.deib.polimi.it/ghezzi/>, President of Informatics Europe, 
and Gerald Steinhardt 
Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien. The program chairs are 
Hannes Werthner <http://www.ec.tuwien.ac.at/%7Ewerthner/>, Faculty of 
Informatics, TU Wien and Frank van Harmelen 
<http://www.cs.vu.nl/%7Efrank.van.harmelen/>, Department of Computer 
Science & The Network Institute, VU University Amsterdam.

The Summit is devoted to important and timely strategic issues and 
trends regarding all aspects of Informatics: education, research, 
funding, entrepreneurship, management, career development, and policies. 
ECSS 2015 brings together key constituencies:

•Heads (deans, chairs) of Informatics/Computer Science/IT departments 
(schools, faculties, institutes) in universities

•Research directors and managers of research centers, institutes and 
laboratories, both in public institutions and in industry

•Faculty and researchers from both academia and industry

•Members of funding agencies and government at the European, national, 
regional, and local level.

•Experts, advisors and thinkers in numerous key topics like ethics, the 
relation between Informatics and other sciences, the future of the 
discipline and its influence in the academic world and society.

The central topic of the 2015 Summit is */"Informatics in the future – 
in the year 2025”./* Informatics as the science behind IT has two faces: 
Informatics "in itself", e.g. algorithm, design, information 
presentation, programming languages, distribution aspects, complexity 
issues; and Informatics "for others" and "behind others", being a tool 
or methodological approach in other sciences and application fields. It 
is pervasive and changes the world, with its artefacts and also its way 
of thinking. Informatics is interdisciplinary quasi by nature, with 
engineering, formal methods (logics, maths) and natural science based 
approaches. These and other related topics will be discussed and 
reflected on the Summit with a future 10 year perspective.


*Invited Speakers*

ECSS 2015 will feature keynote talks by some of the most prominent 
academics and researchers from Europe and elsewhere, who will present 
their latest advances and debate the future of the field. An advanced 
list of speakers includes:

  * Dirk Brockmann <http://rocs.hu-berlin.de/contact/> - Humboldt
    Universität, Germany
  * Stefano Ceri <http://dbgroup.como.polimi.it/ceri/>- Politecnico di
    Milano, Italy
  * Jeroen van den Hoven <http://jeroenvandenhoven.eu/> - Delft
    University of Technology, The Netherlands
  * Dunja Mladenic <http://ailab.ijs.si/dunja/> - Jozef Stefan
    Institute, Slovenia
  * Bertrand Meyer <http://se.ethz.ch/%7Emeyer/> - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  * Maarja Kruusmaa
    - Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
  * Matti Tedre <http://www.tedre.name/> - Stockholm University, Sweden
  * Moshe Vardi <http://www.cs.rice.edu/%7Evardi/> - Rice University, USA

A few more speakers will be soon announced.


*Call for Position Papers - “The Future of Informatics and Informatics 
of the Future”*

Informatics is transforming into a societal technology – raising 
questions not only in research, but also technology and policy.ECCS 2015 
<http://www.informatics-europe.org/ecss/ecss-2015.html> is an event to 
discuss and determine the future of Informatics and the Informatics of 
the future. To determine the spectrum of the opinions we call for 
submission of position papers for the ECCS 2015.

We invite position statements including, but not restricted to, the 
following topics:

  * Informatics and Society: What is the role of Informatics in society?
    Should we influence policy? How should we influence policy? What is
    the ethics of Informatics? Should we do everything with data because
    we can?What should be ethical principles of researchers?
  * The role of Informatics in the sciences: Is Informatics still just a
    support science? Are we getting too fragmented?
  * Research (group) and / or faculty of the future: How will computer
    scientists have to evolve? Factors to consider are local vs. global,
    mobility and connection, interdisciplinarity, problem vs. idea
    driven, relation to industry (especially the big ones), funding
    agencies and funding models (financial autonomy of universities and
    / or defined programs of agencies)

The position papers submitted will be screened, and if accepted, be 
published on the Informatics Europe website as well as submitted as 
CEUR-WS Proceedings. From the accepted position papers 10 submissions 
will be invited for a poster presentation during the ECCS 2015 
conference in Vienna.


*/Format and Submission Procedure/*

We invite 2-4 page submissions in the CS Proceedings and Other 
Multiauthor Volumes Format from Springer (see 

We request authors to provide the submission under the Creative Commons 
Attribution (CC BY) license 
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and provide a statement to 
reflect this into a footnote on the first page of the paper.

Please submit your position paper only via Easychair using the following 


*/Important Dates/*

Submission Deadline:*15 August, 2015*

Paper and Poster acceptance: *7 September, 2015*

Please direct queries to /*Stefan Decker*/ (stefan.decker at gmail.com 
<mailto:stefan.decker at gmail.com>).


ECSS 2015 is hosted by the Faculty of Informatics 
<http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at/english>, Vienna University of 
Technology (TU Wien) and will be held in Vienna, Austria, at TU Wien 
Main Building, Karlsplatz 13, 1040, Vienna. The University Main Building 
is located close to the historic center of Vienna and a few meters away 
from the Vienna Opera House, the Karl Church and the subway station 
Karlsplatz. See more details here. 

Vienna can be reached by place, train, bus from all main European 
cities. The Vienna International Airport (IATA: VIE, ICAO: LOWW) 
(German: Flughafen Wien-Schwechat), is located 18 kilometers (11 miles) 
southeast of Vienna. It is often referred to as Schwechat, the name of 
the nearby town. See here more details on how to reach the venue. 

Please note that the local organizers of ECSS 2015 have negotiated with 
*Austrian Airlines a "Special Conference Fare" to save 15 % on your 
flights to Vienna during the ECSS 2015*. See here further information on 
how to benefit from this special offer 



*/Come join this exciting and important event in the field of 
Informatics and participate by submitting your contribution!/*

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