[TYPES/announce] PhD position in trustworthy embedded platforms, KTH - School of Computer Science and Communication, Stockholm, Sweden

Roberto Guanciale robertog at kth.se
Wed Jun 24 05:58:29 EDT 2015

The theory group at KTH, School of Computer Science and Communication, invites applications for a PhD position in trustworthy embedded platforms.

The recruitment is part of the creation of the new cross-departmental Center for Resilient Critical Infrastructures, CERCES, which is concerned with the security and resilience of industrial control and information systems. The center will focus on control systems, communication networks, wireless communication, and embedded software verification. In this call, we are looking for highly-qualified students that can contribute to the work on embedded software verification.

The student will join the Prosper team, a team of researchers led by Professor Mads Dam, with collaborators at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science. For examples on ongoing projects, go to prosper.sics.se and haspoc.sics.se. The present project focuses on the development of embedded software platforms, kernels, hypervisors, drivers, and applications with very high demands on security, safety, and trustworthiness, with particular focus on the critical infrastructure domain. We meet these demands through formal modelling and verification, by building models of processors, systems, and devices, by building theories and tools for low level verification, and by implementing and verifying critical software components.

Application deadline: 10 July 2015

For details on the position, required qualifications, and application procedure, see https://www.kth.se/en/om/work-at-kth/lediga-jobb/what:job/jobID:67924/where:4/

Contact persons for further information:

Mads Dam <mfd at kth.se>, http://www.csc.kth.se/~mfd/
Roberto Guanciale <robertog at kth.se>, http://www.csc.kth.se/~robertog/

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