[TYPES/announce] Two postdoctoral positions

Iliano Cervesato iliano at andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Aug 16 16:16:14 EDT 2015

[Apologies if you have received multiple copies of this announcement]
                      Two Postdoctoral Positions
                Automated Verification of Properties of
           Concurrent, Distributed and Parallel Specifications

	Carnegie Mellon University and IT University of Copenhagen


We are seeking applications for two postdoctoral positions in computational logic. Both position are part of a common project on automated verification of properties of concurrent, distributed and parallel specifications with applications to computer security.  One position is based on CMU's Qatar campus and the other in Copenhagen.

Applicants should have a strong background and interest in some combination of type theory, proof theory, concurrency, logical frameworks, and linear or substructural logics. Both positions are expected to start in the Fall of 2015. 

Project page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~iliano/projects/metaCLF/

Application page for the position at CMU: http://csjobs.qatar.cmu.edu

Application page for the position at ITU: http://en.itu.dk/About-ITU/Vacancies
Iliano Cervesato  www.cs.cmu.edu/~iliano/
Professor         Carnegie Mellon University

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