[TYPES/announce] APLAS 2015 Call for Poster Presentations (Korea, Nov 30 - Dec 2)

Hyeonseung Im hsim at kangwon.ac.kr
Mon Aug 17 03:54:29 EDT 2015

​ ​         ​  ​Call for Poster​ Presentations: APLAS 2015​​

    13​​th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems
           ​   ​  ​ ​November 3​0 -​ December ​2, 2015​​
          ​               ​​Pohang, Korea

   ​           ​ http://pl.postech.ac.kr/aplas2015/

    ​ ​Submission due: ​21​ September 201​5​ (Monday), 23:59 GMT
    ​ ​Notification: ​  ​ 5 ​October​ 201​5​ (Monday)


APLAS aims to stimulate programming language research by providing a
forum for the presentation of latest results and the exchange of ideas
in programming languages and systems. APLAS is based in Asia, but is
an international forum that serves the worldwide programming language

APLAS is sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundation of Software
(AAFS), founded by Asian researchers in cooperation with many
researchers from Europe and the USA. Past APLAS symposiums were
successfully held in Singapore (’14), Melbourne (’13), Kyoto (’12),
Kenting (’11), Shanghai (’10), Seoul (’09), Bangalore (’08), Singapore
(’07), Sydney (’06), Tsukuba (’05), Taipei (’04) and Beijing (’03)
after three informal workshops.

APLAS 2015 will include a poster session during the conference. The
poster session aims to give students, researchers and professionals an
opportunity to present technical materials to the research community,
and to get responses from other researchers in the field.


Poster contributions are sought in all areas of programming languages
and systems, including the following topics:​​

- semantics, logics, foundational theory;
- design of languages, type systems and foundational calculi;
- domain-specific languages;
- compilers, interpreters, abstract machines;
- program derivation, synthesis and transformation;
- program analysis, verification, model-checking;
- logic, constraint, probabilistic and quantum programming;
- software security;
- concurrency and parallelism;
- tools and environments for programming and implementation.


Each presenter should e-mail a 1–2 page abstract in PDF to the poster
chair (Hyeonseung Im: hsim AT kangwon.ac.kr) by 21 September, 23:59
GMT. The abstract should include the title, author(s), affiliation(s)
and summary of the work. We will announce the accepted presentations
on 5 October. We hope to accommodate every presentation, but may
restrict them (based on relevance and interest to the community) due
to space constraints. The format of the poster will be announced


Submission due: 21 September 2015 (Monday), 23:59 GMT
Notification: 5 October 2015 (Monday)
Conference: 30 November - 2 December 2015 (Monday–Wednesday)


Poster chair: Hyeonseung Im (hsim AT kangwon.ac.k​r​)
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