[TYPES/announce] CfP JLAMP - Special Issue on MetaModels for Process Languages

Marino Miculan marino.miculan at uniud.it
Tue Sep 15 11:58:35 EDT 2015




This special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) is devoted to the themes of the "Meta Models for Process Languages" workshop series (MEMO; Berlin, June 2014, and Grenoble, June 2015; see http://discotec2015.inria.fr/memo-2015/). This is however an open call for papers and everyone is invited to submit.

*** Important Dates  ***

Submission of papers:    November 15, 2015
First round reviews:   February 28, 2016
Revision due:            April 30, 2016
Acceptance notification: May 31, 2016
Final manuscript due:    June 30, 2016
Submission of the final version:    August 31, 2016

*** Aims and Scope  ***

This special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming is devoted to the theory and applications of metamodels, i.e. framework theories which provide general, structural results simplifying and driving the analysis and development of specific models of systems and languages. Metamodels include algebraic effects, algebraic/bialgebraic specifications, bigraphical reactive systems, coalgebras, concurrent logical frameworks, monads, psi-calculus, SOS formats, term and graph transformation systems, tile models, ULTraS and FuTS, etc.
We solicit contributions about theoretical results, tool implementations, real-world applications, case studies, new application areas, integration of meta-models with programming languages, etc.

*** Submission Guidelines  ***

We expect original submissions of 20-30 pages, which present high-quality contributions that have not been previously published in another journal and that are not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Longer papers will be considered depending on editorial constraints; prospective authors should contact the guest editors to discuss this.

Each paper will undergo a thorough evaluation by at least three reviewers. The authors will have time to incorporate the comments of the reviewers and submit a revised version of their papers, which will be evaluated again by the reviewers to make a final decision.  Such articles can be extended/modified versions of conference papers; in that case, in accordance with the editors of JLAMP, including a clear statement of the novelty with respect to the conference version would be appreciated.

Submissions will be handled through the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) and can be uploaded from the JLAMP webpage (http://ees.elsevier.com/jlamp/). Authors must select "SI: MEMO 2015" when they reach the "Choose Article Type" step in the submission process. Contributions should be typeset in PDF format and comply with the JLAMP author guidelines. Accepted manuscripts can be posted to arXiv.

*** Guest Editors ***

Thomas Hildebrandt - IT University, Copehagen
Marino Miculan - University of Udine, Italy

Marino Miculan - Dept Math Compu Sci, University of Udine
marino.miculan at uniud.it   http://www.dimi.uniud.it/miculan/

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