[TYPES/announce] Open positions in the Links research team

Sophie Tison sophie.tison at univ-lille1.fr
Wed Feb 10 15:17:24 EST 2016

The Links project (at Inria Lille and the CRIStAL lab) is working on
foundations and applications for querying Web databases based
on logics and automata. Links' general objective is to develop
novel techniques for querying heterogeneous collections of linked
Web databases as if they were integrated into a single homogeneous
database. Beside other challenges, this requires to develop novel
algorithms that enable the management of dynamic networks of
linked and distributed data in a real time.

Links is regularly opening research positions on different
levels, offered by Inria, CNRS, the University of Lile 1,
and the University of Lille 3.

- Permanent researcher positions at Inria or CNRS for excellent
   junior or senior researchers wanting to join in the Links' project.
   This year, Inria Lille has 3 openings for junior researchers and
   1 opening for senior researchers in the national competition. The
   application deadlines are mid of February.

- Professor position at the University of Lille 1. One position
   that targets towards Links' research topics is currently open. The
   submission deadline is begin of March (beware, deadline is earlier
   than the synchronised session of French universities).

- Assistant professor (MdC) position at the University of Lille3. The 
   profile of that position includes the Links' research topics. The
   application deadline is end of March.

- PhD student positions, possibly preceded by a masters project. Currently,
   we have 3 openings, that will remain open until we find the right

       Linked data integration (open, contact: Iovka Boneva <iovka.boneva at univ-lille1.fr>)

       Streaming for NoSQL Databases (open, contact: Joachim Niehren <joachim.niehren at inria.fr>)

       Database queries for the social Web (open, contact:  Pierre Bourhis <pierre.bourhis at inria.fr>)

- Postdoc at Inria. We regularly search promising students for the
   competitive offers at Inria Lille.

       Tree transducers for verifying the correctness of Linux
       installation scripts.

For more information about integration in the Links team, 
please visit https://team.inria.fr/links/job-offers/ 
or send an email to links-apply at lists.gforge.inria.fr

Pr. Sophie Tison
Université de Lille -Sciences et Technologies
Vice-Présidente Partenariats, Innovation, Valorisation
Cité Scientifique
Bâtiment M3
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
sophie.tison at univ-lille1.fr
Phone: 	(33 | 0)3 28 77 85 42 (M3)
		(33 | 0)3 59 35 87 14 (Haute-Borne)

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