[TYPES/announce] position in chambery

Tom Hirschowitz tom.hirschowitz at univ-savoie.fr
Wed Apr 13 04:36:42 EDT 2016

Dear type theorists,

We have an open position for 2016-2017 at Université Savoie Mont Blanc
(Chambéry) in computer science. There is an additional position in
mathematics, but which isn't yet guaranteed to open.

A possible research team for both positions is Logic, Computer science,
and Discrete Maths (LIMD) [1] at LAMA, the math lab, so researchers in
category theory, proof theory, programming languages, etc, are most

Potential applicants are invited to consult the web site below [2] under
"CAMPAGNE DE RECRUTEMENT DES ATER 2016" and possibly contact me for
further information or help.

Hoping to read from you soon,

[1] http://lama.univ-savoie.fr/index.php?use=membres&equipe=logique&lang=en
[2] https://www.univ-smb.fr/index.php?id=116

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