[TYPES/announce] 2 PhD positions in Formal Methods at the Sirius Center in Oslo

Einar Broch Johnsen einarj at ifi.uio.no
Fri Sep 2 10:07:22 EDT 2016

1-2 PhD positions available in formal methods at the Sirius Center in Oslo. 

The positons target the development of techniques to analyze executable models, 
with applications to real industrial use cases. We focus on complex concurrent 
scenarios drawn from operations use cases in industry, involving areas such as cloud 
computing, streaming of sensor data, coordinating complex industrial workflows, etc. 
We are interested in building executable models to understand and analyze this kind 
of scenarios, using both static and runtime analysis techniques.

For these positions, we are looking for brilliant candidates who combine an interest in 
- theory (e.g., language semantics, type systems, deductive or runtime verification) with 
- programming (e.g., Erlang, Scala, Clojure or other modern languages) and who want to work on
- industrially relevant problems.

The successful candidates will be part of an active cross-disciplinary research environment 
at the Sirius Center of Excellence in Research-driven Innovation. The Center has tight, 
long-term collaboration with major industries and involves research groups in formal methods, 
logic and semantic technologies, computational linguistics, cloud computing, and high 
performance computing. For more information about Sirius, see http://sirius-labs.no.

More information about the available positions can be found here: uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/1695249/64290
Application deadline: 16. September, 2016

Einar Broch Johnsen
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
Tel +47 2285 2509, email einarj at ifi.uio.no

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