[TYPES/announce] CAV 2017: Call for Papers
mikael.mayer at epfl.ch
mikael.mayer at epfl.ch
Wed Jan 18 07:37:55 EST 2017
CAV 2017: 29th International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification
Important Dates: All deadlines are AOE (Anywhere on Earth).
Paper submission: January 24, 2017 (Tuesday)
Author response period: March 20-22, 2017 (Monday – Wednesday)
Author notification: April 12, 2017 (Wednesday)
Final version: May 5, 2017 (Friday)
Workshops: July 22-23, 2017
Main conference: July 24-28, 2017
Submission URL
CAV 2017 is the 29th in a series dedicated to the advancement of the theory
and practice of computer-aided formal analysis and synthesis methods for
hardware and software systems. CAV considers it vital to continue spurring
advances in hardware and software verification while expanding to domains
such as cyber-physical, social, and biological systems. The conference
covers the spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications, with
an emphasis on practical verification tools and the algorithms and
techniques that are needed for their implementation. The proceedings of the
conference will be published in the Springer LNCS series. A selection of
papers will be invited to a special issue of Formal Methods in System
Design and the Journal of the ACM.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Algorithms and tools for verifying models and implementations
Algorithms and tools for system synthesis
Mathematical and logical foundations of verification and synthesis
Specifications and correctness criteria for programs and systems
Deductive verification using proof assistants
Hardware verification techniques
Program analysis and software verification
Software synthesis
Hybrid systems and embedded systems verification
Compositional and abstraction-based techniques for verification
Probabilistic and statistical approaches to verification
Verification methods for parallel and concurrent systems
Testing and run-time analysis based on verification technology
Decision procedures and solvers for verification and synthesis
Applications and case studies in verification and synthesis
Verification in industrial practice
New application areas for algorithmic verification and synthesis
Formal models and methods for security
Formal models and methods for biological systems
Paper Submission
NEW this year:
There is no separate registration deadline. Full papers should be uploaded
by the submission deadline.
Tool papers require a concurrent artifact submission together with the
paper submission. Artifact evaluation occurs concurrently with the review
process and the PC gets access to the artifact evaluation during the PC
Submissions on a wide range of topics are sought, particularly ones that
identify new research directions. CAV 2017 is not limited to topics
discussed in previous instances of the conference. Authors concerned about
the appropriateness of a topic may communicate with the conference chairs
prior to submission.
As explained below, CAV 2017 will follow a lightweight double-blind review
process. Submissions that are not “blinded” will be rejected without
review. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or
submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not
allowed. The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal period where
authors will have the option to respond to reviewer comments. The PC
chairs may solicit further reviews after the rebuttal period.
Papers must be submitted in PDF format here
Submissions will be in two categories: Regular Papers and Tool Papers.
Regular Papers
Regular Papers should not exceed 16 pages in LNCS format, not counting
references and appendices. Authors can include a clearly marked appendix
at the end of their submissions, that is exempt from the page limit
restrictions. However, the reviewers are not obliged to read the contents
of these appendices. These papers should contain original research and
sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution.
Papers will be evaluated on basis of a combination of correctness,
technical depth, significance, novelty, clarity, and elegance. We welcome
papers on theory, case studies, and comparisons with existing experimental
research, as well as combinations of new theory with experimental
evaluation. A strong theoretical paper is not required to have an
experimental component. On the other hand, strong papers reproducing and
comparing existing results experimentally do not require new theoretical
We encourage authors to provide any supplementary material that is required
to support the claims made in the paper, such as detailed proofs or
experimental data. These materials should be uploaded at submission time,
as a single pdf or a tarball, not via a URL. It will be made available to
reviewers only after they have submitted their first-draft reviews and
hence need not be anonymized. Reviewers are under no obligation to look at
the supplementary material but may refer to it if they have questions about
the material in the body of the paper.
Tool Papers
Tool Papers should not exceed 6 pages, not counting references. These
papers should describe system and implementation aspects of a tool with a
large (potential) user base (experiments not required, rehash of theory
strongly discouraged). Papers describing tools that have already been
presented (in any conference) will be accepted only if significant and
clear enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented. Note that
tool papers require the submission of an artifact for evaluation by the
submission deadline. Artifacts will be evaluated concurrently with the
review process and the program committee will have access to the artifact
evaluation while making their decision. In special cases, where an
artifact cannot be submitted, the authors should contact the program chairs
to find alternate modes of artifact evaluation.
Lightweight Double-Blind Reviewing Process
CAV 2017 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. This
means that committee members will not have access to authors’ names or
affiliations as they review a paper; however, authors’ names will be
revealed once reviews have been submitted.
To facilitate this, submitted papers must adhere to two rules:
Author names and institutions must be omitted, and references to authors’
own related work should be in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our
previous work…” but rather “We build on the work of …”).
The purpose of this process is to help the PC and external reviewers come
to an initial judgement about the paper without bias, not to make it
impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing
should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission, makes
the job of reviewing the paper more difficult, or interferes with the
process of disseminating new ideas. For example, important background
references should *not* be omitted or anonymized, even if they are written
by the same authors and share common ideas, techniques, or infrastructure.
Authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of
their paper as they normally would. For instance, authors may post drafts
of their papers on the web or give talks on their research ideas.
Artifact Submission and Evaluation
Authors of accepted regular papers will be invited to submit (but are not
required to submit) the relevant artifact for evaluation by the artifact
evaluation committee.
Authors of all tool papers are required to submit their artifact to the
artifact evaluation committee at the paper submission time. Unlike regular
papers, the results of the artifact evaluation for tool papers will be
available to the program committee during the online discussions.
To submit an artifact, please prepare a virtual machine (VM) image of your
artifact and keep it accessible through an HTTP link throughout the
evaluation process. As the basis of the VM image, please choose commonly
used OS versions that have been tested with the virtual machine software
and that evaluators are likely to be accustomed to. We encourage you to use
https://www.virtualbox.org and save the VM image as an Open Virtual
Appliance (OVA) file. Please include the prepared link in the appropriate
field of the paper submission form.
In addition, please supply at submission time a link to a short plain-text
file describing the OS and parameters of the image, as well as the host
platform on which you prepared and tested your virtual machine image (OS,
RAM, number of cores, CPU frequency). Please describe how to proceed after
booting the image, including the instructions for locating the full
documentation for evaluating the artifact.
If you are not in a position to prepare the artifact as above, please
contact PC chairs for an alternative arrangement.
It is to the advantage of authors to prepare an artifact that is easy to
evaluate by the artifact evaluation committee and that yields expected
results. We next provide some guidelines. Document in detail how to
reproduce most of the experimental results of the paper using the artifact;
keep this process simple through easy-to-use scripts and provide detailed
documentation assuming minimum expertise of users. Ensure the artifact is
in the state ready to run. It should work without a network connection. It
should not require the user to install additional software before running.
It should use reasonably modest resources (RAM, number of cores), so that
the results can be reproduced on various hardware platforms including
laptops. The evaluation should take reasonable amount of time to complete.
When possible include source code within your virtual machine image and
point to the most relevant and interesting parts of the source code tree.
Members of the artifact evaluation committee and the program committee are
asked to use submitted artifact for the sole purpose of evaluating the
contribution associated with the artifact.
Invited speakers
* Chris Hawblitzel, Microsoft Research:Chris Hawblitzel, Microsoft Research
Fast verification of fast cryptography for secure sockets
* Marta Kwiatkowska, OxfordMarta Kwiatkowska, Oxford
* Viktor Vafeiadis, MPI-SWSViktor Vafeiadis, MPI-SWS
Formal reasoning under weak memory consistency
Conference co-chairs
Viktor Kuncak, EPFL, Switzerland
Rupak Majumdar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Workshop Chair
Eva Darulová, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
Sponsorship Chair
Barbara Jobstmann, EPFL and Cadence
CAV Fellowship Chair
Thomas Wahl, Northeastern University
Publicity Chair
Mikaël Mayer, EPFL
CAV Award Committee
Tom Ball (Chair), Microsoft research
Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg University
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International
Pierre Wolper, Liege University
Program Committee
Aws Albarghouthi
Christel Baier
Per Bjesse
Jasmin Blanchette
Sergiy Bogomolov
Ahmed Bouajjani
Rohit Chadha
Bor-Yuh Evan Chang
Swarat Chaudhuri
Wei-Ngan Chin
Hana Chockler
Alessandro Cimatti
Isil Dilig
Dino Distefano
Cezara Dragoi
Michael Emmi
Javier Esparza
Georgios Fainekos
Azadeh Farzan
Aarti Gupta
Gerard Holzmann
Marieke Huisman
Radu Iosif
Franjo Ivancic
Stefan Kiefer
Zachary Kincaid
Barbara König
Daniel Kröning
Viktor Kuncak(Co-chair)
Rustan Leino
Rupak Majumdar (Co-chair)
Kenneth McMillan
Alexander Nadel
Madhusudan Parthasarathy
Corina Pasareanu
Nadia Polikarpova
Pavithra Prabhakar
Arjun Radhakrishna
Zvonimir Rakamaric
Andrey Rybalchenko
Roopsha Samanta
Rahul Sharma
Anna Slobodova
Ana Sokolova
Fabio Somenzi
Zhendong Su
Serdar Tasiran
Emina Torlak
Willem Visser
Mahesh Viswanathan
Yakir Vizel
Tomas Vojnar
Thomas Wahl
Bow-Yaw Wang
Georg Weissenbacher
Verena Wolf
Lenore Zuck
Damien Zufferey
Steering Committee
Orna Grumberg, Technion, Israel
Aarti Gupta, Princeton University, USA
Daniel Kroening, University of Oxford, UK
Kenneth McMillan, Microsoft Research, USA
Artifact Evaluation Committee
Ayca Balkan, UCLA
Stephanie Balzer, CMU
James Bornholt, University of Washington
Simon Cruanes, INRIA Nancy
Matthias Dangl University of Passau
Marko Doko, MPI-SWS
Chuchu Fan, UIUC
Pietro Ferrara, Julia
Johannes Hoelzl, TU Munich
Lars Hupel, TU Munich
Swen Jacobs, Saarland University
Moa Johansson, Chalmers
Dejan Jovanovic, SRI
Ralf Jung, MPI-SWS
Ivan Kuraj, MIT
Andreas Lochbihler, ETH Zurich
Jose Morales, IMDEA
Van Chan Ngo, CMU
Zvonimir Pavlinovic, NYU
Markus Rabe, UC Berkeley
Mukund Raghothaman, UPenn
Andrew Reynolds, University of Iowa
Nima Roohi, UIUC
Christian Schilling, University of Freiburg
Muralidaran Vijayaraghavan, MIT
Nicolas Voirol, EPFL
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