[TYPES/announce] seeking a lecturer for 8hs on proof-assistants in PD

Maria Emilia Maietti maietti at math.unipd.it
Tue Mar 14 11:31:39 EDT 2017

Seeking a non-Italian lecturer to give an 8-hour introduction to 
proof-assistants in Padova

We are looking for a non-Italian scientist (even a PhD student with high 
to give 2 or more seminars for a total of 8 hours maximum and 4 hours 
(that can be split from 2  up to 4 days) as an
***introduction to the use of a proof-assistant based on a constructive 
dependent type theory***  like Calculus of Inductive Constructions 
orMartin-Loef's type theory.

Period of seminars: to be chosen in April/May 2018
Location: University of Padova
Type of students: master students in Computer Science at the University 
of Padova.

Compensation: 1500 euros
DEADLINE for application : 22 March 2017

If you are available please write no later than 22 March to
  maietti at math.unipd.it
sambin at math.unipd.it

with a CV included.

Many thanks for your attention
Best wishes
Maria Emilia Maietti
Giovanni Sambin

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