[TYPES/announce] CfP: 10th Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2017) - Deadline extended

Massimo Bartoletti bart at unica.it
Wed Apr 5 13:57:36 EDT 2017

ICE 2017

10th Interaction and Concurrency Experience

June 21-22, 2017, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Satellite workshop of DisCoTec 2017


=== Highlights ===

- Distinctive selection procedure

- ICE welcomes full papers to be included in the proceedings

- ICE also welcomes oral communications of already published or 
preliminary work

- Submission deadlines ** EXTENDED ** : April 18 (abstract) and April 21 
(full papers)

- Invited talks: Christian Cachin (IBM Research), Marieke Huismann (U. 
Twente), and Pawel Sobocinski (U. Southampton)

- Publication in EPTCS

- Special issue in the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in 
Programming (Elsevier) (to be confirmed)

=== Important Dates ===

April 18, 2017.........................Abstract submission (EXTENDED)

April 21, 2017........................Full paper submission (EXTENDED)

April 10-May 19, 2017.................Reviews and PC discussion

May 19, 2017..........................Notification to authors

June 21-22, 2017......................ICE in Neuchâtel

July 15, 2017.........................Camera-ready for post-proceedings

=== Scope ===

Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICEs) is a series of 
international scientific meetings oriented to theoretical computer 
science researchers with special interest in models, verification, 
tools, and programming primitives for complex interactions.

The general scope of the venue includes theoretical and applied aspects 
of interactions and the synchronization mechanisms used among components 
of concurrent/distributed systems, related to several areas of computer 
science in the broad spectrum ranging from formal specification and 
analysis to studies inspired by emerging computational models.

We solicit contributions relevant to Interaction and Concurrency, 
including but not limited to:

* Formal semantics

* Process algebras and calculi

* Models and languages

* Protocols

* Logics and types

* Expressiveness

* Model transformations

* Tools, implementations, and experiments

* Specification and verification

* Coinductive techniques

* Tools and techniques for automation

* Synthesis techniques

=== Selection Procedure ===

Since its first edition in 2008, the distinguishing feature of ICE has 
been an innovative paper selection mechanism based on an interactive, 
friendly, and constructive discussion amongst authors and PC members in 
an online forum.

During the review phase, each submission is published in a dedicated 
discussion forum. The discussion forum can be accessed by the authors of 
the submission and by all PC members not in conflict with the submission 
(the forum preserves anonymity). The forum is used by reviewers to ask 
questions, clarifications, and modifications from the authors, allowing 
them better to explain and to improve all aspects of their submission. 
The evaluation of the submission will take into account not only the 
reviews, but also the outcome of the discussion.

As witnessed by the past nine editions of ICE, this procedure 
considerably improves the accuracy of the reviews, the fairness of the 
selection, the quality of camera-ready papers, and the discussion during 
the workshop.

This year we will adopt a light double-blind reviewing process, detailed 

=== Submission Guidelines ===

We invite two types of submissions:

- Research papers, original contributions that will be published in the 
workshop post-proceedings. Research papers must not be simultaneously 
submitted to other conferences/workshops with refereed proceedings. The 
page limit for research papers is 16 pages + 2 pages of references.

- Oral communications, that will be presented at the workshop, but will 
not appear in the post-proceedings. This type of contribution includes 
e.g. previously published contributions, preliminary work, and position 
papers. There is no strict page limit for this kind of submission but 
submissions of at most five pages would be appreciated. A one page 
summary of previously published work also perfectly fits this category.

Authors of research papers must omit their names and institutions from 
the title page, they should refer to their other work in the third 
person and omit acknowledgements that could reveal their identity or 
affiliation. The purpose is to avoid any bias based on authors’ identity 
characteristics, such as gender, seniority, or nationality, in the 
review process.  Our goal is to facilitate an unbiased approach to 
reviewing by supporting reviewers’ access to works that do not carry 
obvious references to the authors’ identities. As mentioned above, this 
is a lightweight double-blind process. Anonymization should not be a 
heavy burden for authors, and should not make papers weaker or more 
difficult to review. Advertising the paper on alternate forums (e.g., on 
a personal web-page, pre-print archive, email, talks, discussions with 
colleagues) is permitted, and authors will not be penalized by for such 

Papers in the “Communications” category need not be anonymized.  For any 
questions concerning the double blind process, feel free to consult the 

We are keen to enhance the balanced, inclusive and diverse nature of the 
ICE community, and would particularly encourage female colleagues and 
members of other underrepresented groups to submit their work.

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via EasyChair 

=== Publications ===

Accepted research papers and communications must be presented at the 
workshop by one of the authors.

Accepted research papers will be published after the workshop in 
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 

We plan to invite authors of selected papers and brief announcements to 
submit their work in a special issue in the Journal of Logical and 
Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier). Such contributions will be 
regularly peer-reviewed according to the standard journal policy, but 
they will be handled in a shorter time than regular submissions. A list 
of published and in preparation special issues of previous ICE editions 
is reported below.

=== Invited Speakers ===

  * Christian Cachin <https://www.zurich.ibm.com/%7Ecca/> - IBM Research
    - Zurich
  * Marieke Huismann <http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/%7Emarieke/> -
    University of Twente
  * Pawel Sobocinski <http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ps/> - University of

=== Program Committee ===


    Lacramioara Astefanoaei (Technical University of Munich, DE)


    Eduard Baranov (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH)


    Franco Barbanera (University of Catania, IT)


    Henning Basold (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)


    Stefano Calzavara (University Ca’ Foscari Venezia, IT)


    Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, DK)


    Vincenzo Ciancia (ISTI CNR Pisa, IT)


    Matteo Cimini (Indiana University, USA)


    Tiziana Cimoli (University of Cagliari, IT)


    Ornela Dardha (University of Glasgow, IT)


    Tobias Heindel (University of Copenhagen, DK)


    Anastasia Mavridou (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH)


    Christos Kloukinas (City University London, UK)


    Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna, IT)


    Michael Lienhardt (University of Turin, IT)


    Alberto Lluch Lafuente (Technical University of Denmark, DK)


    Julien Lange (Imperial College London, UK)


    Jean Marie Madiot (INRIA Paris, FR)


    Hernán Melgratti (University of Buenos Aires, AR)


    Fabrizio Montesi (University of Southern Denmark, DK)


    Dominic Orchard (University of Kent, UK)


    Johannes Åman Pohjola (Chalmers University, SE)


    Jurriaan Rot (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)


    Alceste Scalas (Imperial College London, UK)


    Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg, AT)


    Anke Stüber (Uppsala University, SE)


    Hugo Torres Vieira (IMT Lucca, IT)


    Roberto Zunino (University of Trento, IT)

=== ICEcreamers ===

Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, IT; PC co-chair)

Laura Bocchi (University of Kent, UK)

Ludovic Henrio (CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, FR)

Sophia Knight (Uppsala University, SE; PC co-chair)

=== Steering Committee ===

Simon Bliudze (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH)

Filippo Bonchi (CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, FR)

Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, IT)

Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)

Paola Spoletini (Kennesaw State University, US)

Emilio Tuosto (University of Leicester, UK)

=== Previous editions ===

The previous eight editions of ICE have been held on

* July 6, 2008 in Reykjavik, Iceland, co-located with ICALP'08. The 
post-proceedings were published in ENTCS (vol. 229-3).

* August 31, 2009 in Bologna, Italy, co-located with CONCUR'09. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 12) and selected papers 
appeared in a joint special issue of MSCS (with EXPRESS’09 and SOS’09, 
Vol. 22, Number 2).

* June 10, 2010 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, co-located with 
DisCoTec'10. The post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 38) and 
selected papers appeared in a joint special issue of SACS (with 
CAMPUS'10 and CS2BIO'10, Vol. XXI).

* June 9, 2011 in Reykjavik, Iceland, co-located with DisCoTec'11. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 59) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of SACS (Vol. XXII).

* June 16, 2012 in Stockholm, Sweden, co-located with DisCoTec'12. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 104) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of SCP (vol. 100).

* June 6, 2013 in Florence, Italy, co-located with DisCoTec’13. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 131) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of SCP (vol. 109).

* June 6, 2014 in Berlin, Germany, co-located with DisCoTec’14. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 166) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of JLAMP (Vol. 85, Number 3).

* June 4-5, 2015 in Grenoble, France, co-located with DisCoTec’15. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 189) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of JLAMP (Vol. 86, Number 1).

* June 21-22, in Heraklion, Greece, co-located with DisCoTec’16. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 223) and a special issue 
of JLAMP is in preparation.

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