[TYPES/announce] [fm-announcements] ISSTA 2017 Demonstrations - Call for Papers
Havelund, Klaus (348B)
Klaus.Havelund at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Apr 12 14:09:28 EDT 2017
ISSTA 2017 Demonstrations
Call for Papers
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and
Analysis (ISSTA) 2017 Demonstrations Track serves as a venue for
publishing and presenting advances in software testing and analysis
tools that aid either practice, research, or both. Submissions may
describe early prototypes of tools, mature tools, and everything
inbetween. To help disseminate tools to the community, we encourage
submissions describing previously unpublished tools whose underlying
techniques may have already been published.
Highlighting scientific contributions through concrete artifacts is a
critical supplement to the traditional research papers published at
software engineering venues, including ISSTA. A demonstration provides
the opportunity to communicate how the scientific approach has been
implemented or how a specific hypothesis has been assessed, including
implementation and usage details, data models and representations, and
APIs for tool and data access. Authors of regular research papers at
ISSTA or other conferences are thus also encouraged to submit an
accompanying demonstration paper. However, the demonstration papers
must be original, and the tools must not have been previously
demonstrated or be concurrently under review at ISSTA or at another
The tool demonstrations must communicate clearly the following information:
the toolís envisioned users,
the software testing and analysis challenge(s) the tool addresses,
how the tool is used,
either results of conducted validation studies or the design of planned studies.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the demonstrations selection committee. The evaluation criteria include:
the relevance of the proposed demonstration to the ISSTA audience,
the technical soundness of the demonstrated tool,
the originality of the underlying ideas,
the quality of its presentation,
the comparison to related work.
How to Submit
Submissions must conform to the ACM Conference Format. A demonstration
submission may not exceed four pages, including all text, figures, and
references. A submission may not have been previously published in a
demonstration form. The paper submission must be in PDF. The
Demonstrations track will be using the single-blind reviewing model,
so the submitted PDFs should identify the authors.
Submit your papers via the EasyChair ISSTA Demonstrations 2017
submission website by May 2, 2017, 23:59:59 AoE. Important Dates:
(there will be no extensions)
Submission deadline: May 2, 2017, 23:59:59 AoE.
Notification date: May 20, 2017
Camera-ready version deadline: May 27, 2017
For further information, please email the chairs at isstatools2017 at easychair.org
Yuriy Brun, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Neha Rungta, Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Program Committee:
Ivan Beschastnikh, University of British Columbia
Milos Gligoric, The University of Texas at Austin
Jeff Huang, Texas A&M University
Claire Le Goues, Carnegie Mellon University
Eric Mercer, Brigham Young University
Suzette Person, University of NebraskañLincoln
Justyna Petke, University College London
Federica Sarro, University College London
Elena Sherman, Boise State University
Kathryn T. Stolee, North Carolina State University
Oksana Tkachuk, NASAís Ames Research Center
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