[TYPES/announce] PrePost 2017 CFP

Adrian Francalanza adrian.francalanza at um.edu.mt
Fri May 5 10:47:34 EDT 2017

First call for papers

PrePost (Pre- and Post-Deployment Verification Techniques)
Second International Workshop 
(Affiliated with iFM 2017, Torino, IT)


The workshop aims to bring together researchers working in the field of computer-aided validation, programming languages and verification to discuss the connections and interplay between pre- and post-deployment verification techniques. Examples of the topics covered by the workshop are the relationships between classic model checking and testing on the one hand and runtime verification and statistical model checking on the other, and between type systems that may be checked either statically or dynamically through techniques such as runtime monitoring, gradual typing  and contracts. Relevant topics also include the synthesis of runtime adaptation and enforcement mechanisms from correctness specifications, as well as the combination of deductive verification with runtime verification. Contributions related to tools and applications of pre- and post-deployment verification will also be welcome.

Important Dates

Abstract submission:             June 5, 2017
Paper submission:                 June 12, 2017
Notification of acceptance:    July 10, 2017
Camera ready version:          July 17, 2017
Conference iFM 2017:           Sep 20-22, 2016
Workshop PrePost 2017:       Sep 19, 2017

Topics of Interest

PrePost welcomes papers of either theoretical or applied interest, including case studies or experience reports dealing with the interplay between any of the pre- and post-verification techniques including:
Monitoring, Enforcement and Adaptation
Dynamic/Static/Gradual Type Systems
Runtime Verification
Model Checking
Program and Specification Logics
Deductive Verification


We solicit the submission of original and unpublished contributions not under review for publication elsewhere. Contributions are expected to comprise research papers (with novel, previously unpublished results), experience reports of real-world applications, tool descriptions, as well as work-in-progress or exploratory ideas. All papers must be prepared in LaTeX using the EPTCS style.
Full papers should not exceed 15 pages (typeset 11 points).
Short papers should not exceed 8 pages.
Additional details omitted due to space limitations may be included in a clearly marked appendix. Submissions must describe work unpublished in refereed venues, not submitted elsewhere. Contributions should be submitted in PDF format through the  EasyChair online submission system:


Submission of a paper involves a firm commitment that at least one of the authors will attend and participate in the workshop in case the paper is accepted.


All contributions will be evaluated by at least three reviewers, chosen by the Program Committee. The PC will select the best papers based on their quality, relevance to the workshop, and potential to instigate discussion. All accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings, which will be published as a volume of the EPTCS series. We are looking into publishing selected papers in a special issue of a journal, following the standard reviewing process of the selected journal.

Invited Speakers

Luca Padovani (Università di Torino)
Alex Mifsud (Ixaris Ltd.)

Program Committee

Laura Bocchi    (University of Kent, UK)
Dilian Gurov    (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Adrian Francalanza   (University of Malta, Chair) 
Heiko Mantel   (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Leonardo Mariani   (University of Milan Bicocca)
Fabrizio Montesi    (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Gordon J. Pace    (University of Malta, Chair) 
Giles Reger	(University of Manchester, UK)
Kostis Sagonas   (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Cesar Sanchez   (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
Gerardo Schneider    (Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Yannis Smaragdakis    (University of Massachusetts Amherst , US)
Emilio Tuosto      (University of Leicester, UK)

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