[TYPES/announce] Postdoc position at MPI-SWS, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Maria Christakis maria at mpi-sws.org
Mon May 8 06:18:14 EDT 2017

Applications are invited for a full-time postdoctoral research

position at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)

based at Kaiserslautern, Germany, under the supervision of Maria

Christakis (https://mariachris.github.io/).


MPI-SWS offers an internationally renowned research community as well

as a multicultural and open working environment. Maria has recently

won the prestigious EAPLS Best Dissertation Award and is excited to

continue her work on Practical Formal Methods with a talented and

motivated postdoctoral researcher.


The initial postdoc appointment is for two years, starting anytime

after October 2017, with an option to extend to a third year

(depending on performance).


The position is relatively independent in that it is not tied to a

specific project and there is considerable freedom to choose a

research topic. Nevertheless, the postdoc is expected to collaborate

closely with other researchers in the group. Thus, the main topics of

interest are:

- defect analysis of smart contracts

- collaborative verification and testing

- systematic testing of large programs

- practical concurrency error detection


The successful candidate will have a strong background in at least one

of the following areas:

- automatic test generation

- software verification

- static and/or dynamic program analysis

- security


Qualified candidates are encouraged to contact Maria directly by

e-mail (maria AT mpi-sws DOT org), and in addition, submit a formal

online application at:




The application consists of a CV, a research statement, and a list of



Application deadline: Friday, 14 July.

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