[TYPES/announce] Deadline Extended - STAF Doctoral Symposium
Barbara Koenig
barbara_koenig at uni-due.de
Wed May 24 11:09:01 EDT 2017
[The deadline for the STAF Doctoral Symposium has been extended to 29
May 2017. Please also note that authors can apply for student
registration grants for STAF.]
Call for Papers for the STAF Doctoral Symposium
July 17, 2017
Affiliated with STAF 2017 in Marburg
The goal of the Doctoral Symposium is to provide a forum in which PhD
students can present their work in progress. The symposium supports
students by providing independent and constructive feedback about
their already completed and, more importantly, planned research
work. The symposium will be accompanied by prominent experts who will
actively participate in critical discussions.
Relevant fields within Software Engineering include (but are not
limited to):
* Models: reasoning, execution, management, testing and validation
* Model transformations: paradigms, algorithms, development,
applications, tools
* Graph transformation and graph theories
* Domain Specific Languages
* Proofs and Testing: verification, debugging, experiments, case studies
* Model-Driven Engineering
Any topic of interest for the conferences that will take place within
STAF 2017 is highly welcomed.
Submission Process
Submissions exclusively authored by the PhD student are invited from
students who have settled on a PhD topic. We do accept papers on both
initial stage (first or second year) and mature stage (third year, or
later) of research. The authors shall clearly indicate their stage of
research maturity in a footnote to be added to the paper title.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least 3 experts based on
originality, significance, correctness and clarity. Submissions should
describe research-in-progress that is meant to lead to a PhD
dissertation, using the following structure:
* Problem: The problem the research intends to solve, the target
audience of this research, and a motivation of why the problem is
important and needs to be solved.
* Related work: A review of the relevant related work with an emphasis
of how the proposed approach is different and what advantages it has
over the existing state of the art.
* Proposed solution: A description of the proposed solution and which
other work (e.g., in the form of methods or tools) it depends on.
* Preliminary work: A description of the work to-date and results
achieved so far.
* Expected contributions: A list of the expected contributions to both
theory and practice.
* Plan for evaluation and validation: A description of how it will be
shown that the work does indeed solve the targeted problem and is
superior to the existing state of the art (e.g., prototyping,
industry case studies, user studies, experiments).
* Current status: The current status of the work and a planned
timeline for completion.
Contributions must not exceed 5 pages in Springer LNCS format and must
be submitted via EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=staf2017workshops, choose
"STAF 2017 Doctoral Symposium" as track).
All accepted submissions to the Doctoral Symposium at STAF 2017 will
be published in a post-conference volume of CEUR and will be submitted
for inclusion in DBLP.
Important Dates:
May 29, 2017 Paper submission deadline (extended!)
June 6, 2017 Author notification
July 17, 2017 STAF 2017 Doctoral Symposium
Davide Di Ruscio
University of L'Aquila, Italy
Barbara König
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
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