[TYPES/announce] Postdoc (PhD) position @ MPI-SWS in software verification and approximate computing

Eva Darulova eva at mpi-sws.org
Tue Jul 11 07:49:25 EDT 2017

Postdoc (PhD) position @ MPI-SWS in software verification and 
approximate computing

Applications are invited for a full-time postdoctoral research position 
at the
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) based in 
Saarbrücken, Germany,
under the supervision of Eva Darulova (https://people.mpi-sws.org/~eva/) 
in the
Automated Verification and Approximation group. Outstanding students can 
also be
considered for a PhD position.

The postdoctoral researcher is expected to collaborate closely with 
other researchers
in the group, but has the freedom to also pursue his/her interests. The 
successful candidate
should have a strong background in at least one of the following areas:
* static analysis
* software verification
* software optimization
* approximate computing
* (numerical programs in) embedded systems and scientific computing

MPI-SWS offers an internationally renowned research community as well as 
a multicultural
and open working environment. The position is fully funded, including 
social benefits and
funding for travel.
The institute language is English; proficiency in spoken and written 
English are essential
requirements but knowledge of the German language is not required.

The initial postdoc appointment is for one year, starting anytime, but 
preferably in
fall/winter 2017, with an option to extend it for up to three years 
(depending on performance).
Information for PhD candidates can be found at 

Submit a formal online application at https://apply.mpi-sws.org/ and 
then send an email to
Eva directly (eva AT mpi-sws DOT org), referencing the application.
For postdoc candidates, the application consists of a CV, a research 
statement, and a list of referees.
PhD candidates submit a statement of purpose instead of a research 

Application deadline: Friday, 15 September or until the position is filled.

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