[TYPES/announce] AITO Dahl-Nygaard Prizes 2018: Call for Nominations, deadline September 30, 2017

Davide Ancona davide.ancona at unige.it
Sun Jul 30 10:02:21 EDT 2017

AITO is looking for nominations for the forthcoming AITO Dahl-Nygaard Prizes 2018. 

Nominations can be submitted with the form available at http://goo.gl/forms/QVoB9KGzoSMaQ7MD3

The submission deadline is September 30, 2017.

The prizes are named after Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard, whose pioneering conceptual and 
technical work in the sixties shaped that view of programming and modeling which is now known as 
object-orientation. The prizes will be presented at the ECOOP conference in 2018, in Amsterdam, The 

One prize is awarded to a junior researcher (who has obtained the PhD degree at most 7 years before 
the award year, excluding any parental leave), and one prize to a senior researcher. The senior 
researcher should have made a significant long-term contribution to the field in research or 
engineering. The junior researcher should have made a promising contribution to the field through a 
paper, a thesis, or a prototype implementation.

The Members of the 2018 Dahl-Nygaard Award Committee are:

- Camil Demetrescu (chair)
- Sophia Drossopoulou
- Erik Ernst
- Peter Müller
- Frank Tip

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