[TYPES/announce] PhD positions available at TIB Hannover

Kasprzik, Anna Anna.Kasprzik at tib.eu
Wed Oct 11 03:56:18 EDT 2017

Dear all,


at the Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology (TIB)
Hannover we are currently looking for PhD students with a degree in
computer science, mathematics, information science, linguistics, or
similar areas, and with a strong background in software engineering.


I am building up  a junior research group "Scientific Knowledge
Engineering" with a focus on "Smart Factory 4.0" topics on one hand and
library-specific, semantic knowledge organization systems on the other.
I would like to work with a PhD student with a strong understanding of
formal foundations and a keen interest in semantic structures who can
support me in publications but also with implementation and testing of
software solutions for semantic technologies.


The call is attached and although my research group is not mentioned and
the deadline is past you can still apply via the communication channels
mentioned in the document, preferably with me in CC (
anna.kasprzik at tib.eu). You can also still apply if you are interested in
any of the other topics mentioned there.


I am happy to answer question via email, phone or Skype.



Anna Kasprzik



Dr. Anna Kasprzik

Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)

Abt. Forschung und Entwicklung, Raum 305

Lange Laube 28, 30159 Hannover

(Post: Welfengarten 1 B, 30167 Hannover)

Tel: 0511 762 14219

Email: anna.kasprzik at tib.eu


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