[TYPES/announce] 2 Studentships in Swansea on Formal Modelling, Analysing and Testing of Real Time Systems

Markus Roggenbach m.roggenbach at swansea.ac.uk
Thu Nov 23 05:13:21 EST 2017

The Swansea Railway Verification Group (http://cs.swansea.ac.uk/rail/ <http://cs.swansea.ac.uk/rail/>) has two studentship available on Formal Modelling, Analysing and Testing of Real Time Systems:

1) For a PhD (4 years)

2) For an MSci (1 year)
	http://www.swansea.ac.uk/compsci/postgraduate/phdopportunities/formal-modelling-and-analysis-of-real-time-systems/ <http://www.swansea.ac.uk/compsci/postgraduate/phdopportunities/formal-modelling-and-analysis-of-real-time-systems/>

Closing date for both studentships: 15 December 2017
Start date for both studentships: January 2018 (or later)

Informal enquiries about this studentship are welcome and may be directed to Professor Markus Roggenbach by emailing M.Roggenbach at swansea.ac.uk or calling +44 (0)1792 513578.
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